Green Anhydrous Ammonia, Zero Carbon, Lowest GHG emission. Contracts Available at $100 to $300 per ton for 7 years. The first decagon plant supplying 24/7 at 10 local locations is subscribed at 50%. A Triple Play is coming now.
The Triple Play of Ammonia is coming with Small Scale, Locally Built, Ammonia Plants from Exactrix® Global Systems, Green Play Ammonia™ and Proton Ventures. At your farm site and locally built ammonia available within 7.5 miles to 2 hours of your farm. Producers must have farm storage on longer distances. 2,000 plants are planned by 2040 so you may see our flag flying close to your farm. Our brand is Green Play Ammonia™, Yielder® NFuel Energy. Better quality service and a better quality product applied at 1% CV, deep in the soil without tillage. It is called Green Play Ammonia™, Yielder® NFuel Energy and built for 36,000 acre management zones in Nebraska, Colorado, Texas, Kansas, Dakotas and the PNW. All plants are local at optimum scale with two employees. Application machinery is available to enhance your change. A triple play happens every now and then. It happens about 486 games in MLB. Only one unassisted Triple Play has every happened in the World Series.
Bill Wambsganss (far left) standing alongside the victims of his unassisted triple play (from center left to far right) – Pete Kilduff, Clarence Mitchell and Otto Miller. Exactrix owners are about to witness a triple play on their farms.
A true Triple Play is coming…..and it will be assisted. We want to help producers clean up the environment and improve land values using Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS with Zinc. Your federal government is backing a lot of the plant construction with grants and loan guarantees. Some of the best thinking on planet Earth comes from Exactrix Global Systems, Green Play Ammonia and Proton Ventures. These companies have handled, applied and built millions and now billions of tons of NH3. They are one of the leaders in North America building and applying Green NH3. The nitrogen efficiency will help drive land values. Funding comes from the DOE, Bank for Cooperatives and Landowners and Farmers. Merchants with direct ties to the local economy make big gains. Local Merchants and agricultural processors take on better efficiency with locally built Green Play Ammonia™, Yielder ®NFuel Energy in Ethanol Plants, Renewable Oil Plants, Cement Plants with kilns, Asphalt Plants that need local clean energy for the Kiln. Lowest GHG Transportation at 85% Ethanol coming from Greener Corn Ethanol built with Zero Carbon heat and Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS plus Zinc.
A new 2018 plant at York, Nebraska using a Single Train Compressor
to make ammonia at 75 to 100 tons Reciprocating Vs Centrifugal Compressor Ammonia Plants. Looking back allows us to look ahead. Reciprocating Compressor Ammonia Plants make more sense by going local with wind, PV, and renewable oils.
A Critical Closure, By 1987 a major mistake was made with Bureau of Mines and TVA National Fertilizer Development Center closure by the Reagan Administration. Too much grain was the so called reason. Too many mines were played out. By 1990 The Showdown had begun, the wild, wild west of fertilizer started. The single train centrifugal compressors were developed by Kellogg, Brown and Root in 1962. This was the fate of ammonia, fossil ammonia was way too cheap and over applied due to lack of storage. The NH3 manufacturing pattern of the Centrifugal Single Train showed up in Dodge City, KS. The KBR NH3 technology was an eventual environmental disaster. It is not necessary to say KBR caused the problem. It was American and Canadian Greed of the Fossil Fertilizer Industry by formulating a system using Mega Plants over the large gas field without overall ample storage or improved delivery means. Circa a War Footing in Ukraine and Nuclear Power. The advent of Mega Plant Fossil Fuel NH3 designs of the last 50 years of which there are 44 in the US, has created a national defense monster. The food supply is at risk if four plants are lost. The loss of ten plants would create a reduction of application by 50%. The worst case scenario is that the associated 2nd and 3rd tier nitrogen products would fall out of production first. The 2nd and 3rd tier products would be last to become available. The Fossil Fuel Energy companies did not increase storage when they recognized the problem. The Fertilizer Industry came back strong by raising the rate of NH3 without supplying offsetting Lime applications. We are now living in an era of poor water quality and air quality. For sure the fertilizer industry has made a contribution to Climate CO2 emission along with Methane CH4 and Nitrous Oxide, N2O. The KBR Single Train was cheaper per ton in Mega Scale plants but how can it be throttled. There was no full range throttle….while reciprocating plants could shut down compressor lines or multiple trains to meet the demand. So who drove us into this environmental mess? The Natural Gas, Fossil Fuel, energy people might be a good place to take a look. The old multiple train compressor plants closed at Muscle Shoals. Electrical energy was no longer the way to build ammonia . The Fossil Fuel industry opened Pandora’s box. Natural gas must become Methane to make ammonia. Fossil Ammonia takes about 2 to 3% released from the gas fields with another 33% lost in mining. Then natural gas must be processed to remove 18 different gasses. This is a very important part of all the methane gas processed and used in the US. Too much of a good thing….Mega Thinking makes a mistake using Natural Gas and the KBR Single Train Compressor Machinery developed by KBR of Houston, Texas ($5.6 Billion Rev,), Thyssen Krupp, ($28.9 Billion Rev.) of Essen, Germany. The machinery created an environmental dumping ground around your country 50 years later. Centrifugal Single Train Ammonia Plants without lots of NH3 storage do not work well…..and furthermore Reciprocating Ammonia Plant designs requires storage to supply NH3 on time. So the energy people pushed the pencil and decided on reduced storage needs by using tillage…store it in the ground. Build and consume it just like an automobile. “Freshly made and in the shade” works better for the oil company and not the environment. Shell Chemical Company started it all with shank tillage application of Ammonia. The loss of alfalfa (30% of the land base) with plow down tillage and fall straw burning got worse in Washington State. The shank applicators required burning of straw residue to apply pressure reducing NH3. The soil erosion went through the roof by 1958. In some cases up to 200 tons per acre. By 1968 something had to be done as tillage was destroying the soils. No-tillage was coming. Yielder® Drills were the first to solve the problem of NH3 application without tillage. In fact Shell Chemical, Union 76 Collier and Phillips 66 finally headed on out and left the environmental problems behind them. They could see it coming. They would need to cover liming costs since the soil pH drop was bringing yield robbing wheat root diseases. Diseases only found in low pH soils. At the USDA-ARS, award winning, root health scientist Jim Cook’s career was made over the Acid Wheatland Soil decline. At least five plant root diseases were identified with acid soils. Furthermore even worse chemicals like Mertec and Topsin were put into use. See Footnote 1. Making no sense at all, the scientists finally confessed, using chemicals to combat chemicals, the annual lowering of soil pH , all of which reduced soil life. It was time for nitrogen manufacturers to leave town in a corporate slash and burn approach. Moving to the next frontier, producers were lost. They could not afford to lime. They had no hero on their side even though Land Grants have proposed liming for 30 years. Our chemical problems can be solved with conservation and soil amendments, (Lime, Gypsum) using crop rotation, cover crop, and deep banding at .6 application rates. The key to success of Green Play Ammonia is storage of NH3 on the farm. The fertilizer industry tried to steer around the problem with second and third tier products, Urea, Uran and Uan or 46-0-0, 32-0-0 and 28-0-0. These nitrogen products are built for the third world. The nitrate and urea based products are loaded with carbon that bring the fossil carbon back into the mix. The Urea and the Uran are not efficient to the plant performance and are loaded with over 500 disease related problems of growing crops. There are green solutions for the drastic reduction of these salvage materials built from nitrates and carbon. No more shortcuts are required in crop production. In the era of the Oligarchs societies environmental problem has become critical to be able to store NH3. The GHG emission from second and third tier nitrogen products are non-players compared to Green Play Ammonia formulating Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS vermiculated into narrow no-tillage nutrient bands deep in the soil at seven to nine inches. The practice gives 12% to 25% greater returns to the bottom line as compared to any other approach. Advances in no-tillage and application technology, a discovery and admission that commercial fertilizer is not plant food…NPKS plus Zinc is a stimulant when properly applied. Reductions of 200% are easily achieved in No-tillage soils. The Exactrix, Green Play Ammonia system goes Horizon to Horizon. It is called No-tillage with Deep Banding to control nitrous oxide and reduce runoff and loss of nutrients into the atmosphere. Take a look at manufacturing technology in reverse. We are headed back to reciprocating compressor designs. What is the penalty? Looks like about 4% difference in BTU’s between the two approaches….and as the producers gave all that extra NH3 to the environment for 4% difference in cost to build NH3. Thanks to KBR compressors, Ammonia became too cheap and allowed over application without storage. The applications of NH3 had to be made six months ahead without band stabilization and protection from Nitrosomonas and resultant nitrification and denitrification. Nitrous Oxide potential went the wrong way. It is time for political strength at the top. If you want to rifle in on the problem it boils down to the Hedge Fund Managers and Fertilizer Industry managers operating without the influence and controls of the TVA. The Wild, Wild West of Fertilizer Management has been upon since the closure of the TVA and loss of the Farmland Plants. Landowners, Farmers and Merchants can now get back in control. A bootstrap operation to raise land values with a stable supply.
Circa 1979. Prior to the Oligarch Era. Published 1982 by The Fertilizer Institute. Factoid: Ammonia was moving from 6 cents per lb. of N to 8 cents per lb. of N in the 1979 timeline.
Some Fertilizer organizations like Nutrien or CPS dealers can move the ball ahead with Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS with Zinc at highly crop available liquid flows at 1%CV application rates. Stabilized nitrogen with Zinc and Zinc Sulfate in homogenous bands of Exactrix NPKS plus micros provides a lockdown of Nitrosomonas and nitrification and denitrification (nitrous oxide emission). The Exactrix result is 200% more crop available P and 166% more crop available N, plus uniform Potassium Thio-Sulfate ( in some soils up to 4 to 8 times more crop available as a thiosulfate) and micros like zinc and manganese to lock up the copper cofactor in Nitrosomonas. Remember, “It Works Every Time.” “When Ammonia gets expensive compared to the commodity you must find a better way to drive land values.” “You the producer owns the Green, Zero Carbon NH3 product at Green Play Ammonia.” October TAPPS and TAPPKTS plus Zinc banding with Exactrix®, A great technical achievement by Exactrix at 1% CV of TAPPS, at Grand Prairie, Alberta. Stabilized Nitrogen with TAPPS and Zinc and TAPPKTS with Zinc. Highly crop available come spring and always ready to go work, unlike Urea and Solution 32 which move downward with the wetting front or runoff into the streams. Exactrix TAPPS has 166% more crop available N, 200% more crop available P and stabilized with Thio-Sul® and Zinc. You can study the Big N. The metals like Aluminum cannot tie up the placed P in TAPPS and TAPPKTS.
Price Collapse
Footnote 1, How Chemistry of Soil pH with the
misuse of nitrogen creates more problems in the round robin of
economic failure.
The 2017 Agronomy Review. Meeting your formulation needs. your metering systems. more information on advanced crop production.
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