Return To Main Page Killing Tigers, Shermans vs. the Tigers Tiger Killers. Looking for a specific tank…about twice their size…..with a special Firefly technology.
Two weeks after Omaha Beach….the British “Firefly” technology was on the battle front in France. The Brits had finally convinced themselves that the 17 pound gun must be retrofitted to the Sherman M4A4 For all tank commanders on both sides of the war the news spread fast. Firefly Tanks were reported active in France under General Montgomery. The give-away was the barrel was much longer with a rounded muzzle. The barrel would emit sparks and fire as the projectile exited. It was testy times for the US Army at Normandy in June of 1944. Basically one Tiger Tank could take out 12 Sherman tanks in a battlefield, face to face head on confrontation “Surprise, Surprise and by the way Happy Birthday, Rommel.“ The British commanders of the Firefly Sherman tanks actually tried to hide the barrel length with camouflage so that the commanders of Tiger 1 (120,000 lbs.) and the King Tiger (140,000 lbs.) would not recognize the potency of the Sherman. The Brits kept the Firefly Sherman looking just like any other Sherman. The Firefly technology was decisive up against the Tiger Tanks. The 50,000 Sherman tanks (66,000 lbs.) were superior in many ways. The British were key in winning battle after battle in France using 2,900 Sherman Tanks with Firefly Technology. The Sherman tanks with Firefly technology basically stopped the Tigers dead in their tracks. There is a lesson inside this document for any strategic planning meeting. Several major factors developed by the Allies in the WW2 were changing the outcome of the war and thus the end of 1,347 Tiger 1 and 492 King Tigers. The tanks were rendered useless due to weight and horsepower. The Tiger Tanks were not mobile as compared to highly mobile Sherman Tanks. The Sherman tanks were also easy to repair and support a long way from the hundreds of factories of the USA. As reported it took 300,000 Man Hours or slave labor to build a King Tiger Tank. They were difficult to repair. The Tiger tanks carried two sets of tracks, narrow tracks for rail transport and high floatation tracks at 10.5 psi. Tigers were underpowered at 690 hp. They were fuel hogs burning petrol in V-12 engines. About this time as shown in July of 1944 the USA was closing in with a run of 50,000 Sherman Tanks with variants in large runs….The M4A4 tank shown has a 30 cylinder Chrysler engine in 5 banks of 6 at 370 hp at 2,400 rpm. There were 7,900 built under lend lease that went to the UK. The US Army and Marines preferred M4A3 with a Ford V-8 dual overhead cam engines. At 500 hp and 1100 cu. in they also operated at 2,600 rpm with much better fuel economy. The horsepower to weight ratio was superior and the weight match the tracks floatation. The US Army Sherman tanks had higher roading speeds and a great track suspensions with the “Duck Bill” extension to the track outside margin as shown in the picture included. “There is a very big lesson that must be remembered. Bigger is not always better, Adolph. “ The Henschel and Sons tank plant at Kassel, Germany was bombed to oblivion from September 22, 1944 to October 7, 1944 in five Allied air raids over the Rhur District of Germany. About 95% of the total capacity was lost. Thus 657 King Tiger Tanks were not produced due to this attack by the Allies. The resistance fighters in Austria are credited with the critical information to bomb this specific factory.
Improving your bets. Making better bets. This is a major strategic advantage of the Green Play Ammonia™, Yielder® NFuel Energy. Small local optimized Green Play Ammonia plants that are efficient without a grid, independent as we can make them and yet linked to other plants with DOT transports and electric drive trucks using green ammonia/DC power. Optimized plants using location as a strategic plan. Plants that are not high value targets in times of war or bad weather. Small local plants that always have Anhydrous Ammonia in the neighborhood. These optimized scale plants have no connection to the electrical grid or pipelines. The Green Play Ammonia, Yielder NFuel Energy plants are built in large volumes. We note that there will be variants. The Green Play Ammonia plants get better and better really fast. Large Mega plants do not get better and better near as fast and are high risk at the shorelines of America. They are high value targets in times of war and bad weather. Our Green Play Ammonia, Yielder NFuel Energy design is similar to the Sherman tank. An intense project with on time deliveries is illustrated below.
Roots of the Sherman tank, An amazing story of 3.3 years, 50,000 tanks with 11 companies coast to coast. 13 variants with the British Firefly included. The US Army and the Marines, and the Allied forces in Europe and the British Commonwealth as all-consuming customers under Lend Lease. This diversity of the Sherman Tank manufacturing alone tells the story of why a single Mega plants in the Ruhr District of Germany are not near as effective as multiple plants of optimized scale. The United States Army Air Force targeted the German Henschel tank factory and stopped the production of 657 King Tiger tanks in April of 1944. · In the United States the belief in multiple optimized plants providing product improvement was able to overpower the enemy. · Thus the plants in the USA were optimized for their specific location and resource availability . · A strategic move based on the strength of the country to rapidly adapt. · The “War Effort” required change and sacrifice.
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