Move over, fossil fuels. The Summit of Power has met.

Your Green Play NH3 has a locally built business plan at $100 to $300 per ton.

  • Always available 24/7 as Green NH3 at 166% more crop available producing greener Ethanol.
  • The EV trucks have a place to filler-up with Green Watts along the interstate system.
  • Lowest transportation costs are coming in the 3.5 cents per KW range.
  • Farmers and Merchants require no grid since they are site specific with an interlink of plants.
  • The Green NH3 best solution of instant power when you need kilowatts on line at 60 hertz is solved.  
  • An expanded national power grid is not going to make the planet safe and better.
  • Ammonia and low cost power is now well understood.
  • Green Ammonia, NH3 will fuel the planet and much cheaper than fossil fuel H2.
  • Fueled by the wind on the Great Plains and Ocean Shores.
  • No carbon credits are required. It is simple of highest economic quality and better for all of society.

Coal and natural gas have long fueled the world, often accompanied by carbon and also kerosene, methane and propane. While popular for being cheap and reliable, the fuels may also be impure and produce harmful emissions and increased global warming.

The Green Play Ammonia™ at 82% N or 82.42% has a guaranteed N value at every delivery point and is thus hedged on a futures market. Mass meters are utilized to meter accuracy of 20 lbs. on 10,000 applied.

Since Green Play Ammonia™ can be listed and promoted as 82.42% N, Green Play Ammonia™, Yielder® NFuel Energy is handled totally differently than a fossil fuel NH3 mega plant, assuring the highest quality ammonia.

A better employee environment. Management of a process.  

Building Green Play Ammonia with a competitive nature of plant managers offers a tremendous business opportunity for the employees.

Each plant will be run as a profit center.

Each manager receives a bonus based on efficiency and how he manages to compete with other plants.

Our stand alone plants will eventually foster new management styles and efficiencies for building ammonia


Each plant is carefully designed to include windmills and  

1.2 million gallons ammonia storage tanks,

The production units, and a compression units are clones to allow for 10 plants to be built in a decagon of 100 tons per day.  

Simple, Time Proven over 100 plus years, Micro Scale on 18 acres, 1.2 million gallons of energy storage, Highly Cost Effective, No Grid, Improved National Security, stops the oligarchy of ammonia by allowing free competition for energy. No grid and stand alone with no outside power and comes without the utility mark up.

Designed and built by Proton Ventures, Exactrix, Corken, Vestas, GE, Arcosa.

Reviewed by Industry Experts as much lower risk than mega plants..


1-So, how will this work?

2-What will be required?

3-What benefits will farmers see?

4-The Details behind the Plan What will change?

5-Who will be involved?

6-How will fertilizer shift?

7-The conversion to
 Green Play Ammonia™

8-The need for serious capital

9-Where will the money go?

10-How will the investment
pay off for those vested in Energy?

11-Three powerhouse options for
 timely delivery of NH3

12-Solving the fossil fuel problem in North American agriculture

13-Think big. Think clean. Think bold.

14-Move over, fossil fuels.

15-Who knew? Now you do. Random facts at your fingertips

16-More facts on fossil fuel

17-What happened to regulation and education?

18. Video Training, The New Era Green Play Ammonia®,  Yielder® NFuel Energy.

19. Advanced information you can order.

20. Trade Articles

21. Recent E-Mail Broadcasts