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Kansas at 4,000 feet, Are you looking for a hedge in that big bet you made in 2023. Let’s start thinking efficiency and top yields for the next 10 to 20 years. A mortgage lifter is on the job.
Immediately Crop Available TAPPS and TAPPKTS plus Zinc drives cost low to .466 lbs. N per bushel produced pre acre in Corn as preplant applied…
In this video you may easily realize an efficiency of .333 to .375 pounds of N per bushel produced.
For sure 1/3 pound of N per bushel produced is achievable long term with No-tillage, Rotational Band Loading, and KTS with Exactrix TAPPS at 1% CV.
Debt disappears fast with Exactrix Mustang Tool Bars. Super low per acre operational costs at $1.00 per acre for wear parts.
You can review the Sederstrom Exactrix Mustang, 45-foot side dress tool bar. The machine is at the top of the line from Exactrix Global Systems.
Greg and Blaine Sederstrom operating their 4th tool bar from Exactrix over a 15-year period.
The neighbors buy the used bars. What a good deal to make inroads on the fertilizer bill with top yields.
Blaine and Greg have a three-year-old P-51 CE Mustang and is shown in these two videos. Mustang Tool Bars are one solution to top yields at lowest nutrient cost in No-till.
Technology at work is our discussion today. Operating at the Top of Kansas…At 4,000 feet elevation on the Great Plains in a soil pH to 8.5 to 7.5.
The producers have deep Loess Soils at Goodland, KS…The producers, father and son, discovered moisture was filled to the top of profile by probing to 6 feet and following 12 inches of rain in a 60 day period.
For sure the distribution of moisture is even and uniform….Following 12 inches of additional stored moisture in No-till farming. Uniformity is the key word.
This field has maximum yield potential.
Exactrix Mass Flow, Micro Motion, Commercial
Rating for application within .0020+- or 20 lbs. in 10,000 applied.
1. Blaine Sederstrom talks about his
tool bar. Straight pulling in side dress scenarios and ready to go right back to preplant.
Side Dressing is a dream for application of 300 psi Exactrix NH3 systems electronic ball valves. Zip Valves save NH3 and avoid leaf burn at the field lands.