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In Nebraska Conditions, Major Fumigation Yield Jumps With Exactrix TAPPKTS plus Zinc. Major Corn and Soybean Fumigation Yield Jumps with Exactrix TAPPKTS plus Zinc Fall Banding into Mustard and Spring Wheat. Fumigation at West Point/Beemer, NE using Dark Northern Spring Wheat Seed and Fumigant Grade, Pacific Gold Mustard.
The Soybean
leaves are just starting to yellow on September 8th at
bout 5:00 PM at West Point, Ne, Rick Engelmeyer. Practical and Achievable and Measurable Goals are planned at West Point, Nebraska. Fall Banding of TAPPKTS with Zinc is key.
How can an
Idaho commercial crop jump Corn and Soybean yields in Nebraska?
The presence of Soybean cyst nematode is known in the area and is related to Sudden Death Syndrome. The goal is work with Corn and Soybean to get rapid results across the farm that will carry for 5 years. If the process works, if the Fumigant Mustard and Spring Wheat stand is good, then the next year fields can be tested by using Ag Nema of Richland, Washington, (APHIS approved) to start a 5 year program of rotation. Note: Another goal is have producers maintain 4,000 pounds or two totes of Mustard seed in their seed warehouse for weather events to establish the crop. The goal is the highest quality seed, Pacific Gold Certified Seed. The fumigant crop must be established quickly with quality results assured. Also producers should consider drilling the crop with a small seeds attachment located on a box drill.
Can we boost yields and take corn to over 300 bushels per acre at West Point Nebraska? Can Soybeans get the yield results so common in other agricultural systems? A good used 30 foot drill could be justified easily as the business opportunity begins to expose itself. Yields in soybeans generally increase about 15% to 25%. Corn responds well to fumigation with Mustard in Kansas conditions. Here is a good training document…..for Cover Crop Fumigant Mustard. Can I do it? Doubling Yields in Irrigated Corn Production, Lyons, Kansas Producer Mark Ricker finds the solution. - Broadcast 11_16_2020 (
Can I do it?
How Did Mark
Ricker double irrigated corn yields on Arkansas River Flood Plain? How did Pacific Gold, KTS, a flail and disc, 20 minutes apart at $40 to $60 per acre bring the producer $400 to $600 per acre. Why is KTS at 2.1 lbs. S per gallon and 3 lbs. K per gallon, Why is it a required input?
The beginning of this Fumigation test started about 30 years ago at the University of Idaho. And Jack Brown, the breeder, got his start in Scotland about 65 years ago. The Engelmeyer family watches on. Another change is coming.
Exactrix - Rick Engelmeyer on Vimeo
The Fumigation Pacific Gold Oriental Mustard bred by Jack Brown and Jim Davis at the University of Idaho is commonly used to Fumigate for Potatoes of the Columbian Basin. pnw693.pdf ( The practice of using Fumigation Mustard has improved the environment and produced higher margins for all crop producers in the Pacific Northwest. Cyanide gas is produced once in the soil by roots and surface residues. Moderate control results from the roots only with No-tillage and no incorporation. For sure the process can be optimized with residue chopping and tillage. Don’t forget chopping of the blooming mustard residue and immediate soil incorporation is critical for maximum fumigation in potatoes. Incorporation of residue is required in severe nematode infestations of sandy soils of the Great Plains. If the Nematode infestation is severe there must be a plan for flail chopping and a 20 minute work in of the residue as required by WSU researchers. Yields have doubled easily in Kansas conditions with Pacific Gold Mustard. The carry over effect is about 5 years. Note: A cache of Mustard seed should be stored at the farm for ideal scenarios such as Zero out of the crop due to hail or green snap. The Fumigation Bonus can be easily implemented. Mustard seed does not degrade rapidly, Insects are not a problem. Fumigant Grade, Pacific Gold Mustard can be seeded or planted at any time. It is sensitive to freeze damage in the cotyledon stage. It should be fertilized to produce the maximum glucosinolate. A purposely selected, commonly available, low cost Idaho certified seed is in production every year. Exactrix recommends Pacific Gold Oriental Mustard. pacific-gold-200300202.pdf ( The pictures included are very similar at different exposures.
“A Mustard Seed will move a Mountain.”
What Bible Verses Mention Mustard Seed Faith? Jesus uses this analogy twice—once in Matthew 17:20 and once in Luke 17:6. In each of these accounts, Jesus is confronting a lack of faith in the disciples. In Matthew 17, a man pleads with Jesus to heal his son who was suffering from an oppressive demon. The man tells Jesus that he had already gone to his disciples, but “they could not heal him” (Matthew 17:16). Jesus responds to this with sorrow over the “faithless and twisted generation” and then casts the demon out of the boy. When the disciples ask Jesus why they couldn’t cast him out, Jesus responds, “Because of your little faith. For truly, I say to you, if you have faith like a grain of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
Pacific Gold Oriental Mustard, breed for export to the Pacific Rim and India and formation cyanide gas for Soil Fumigation. Up to 30 Years of development work resulted in a Plant Protected Variety from University of Idaho, at Moscow, Idaho. Glucosinolate Breakdown (
Green Chop fields need a drill. Next year….maybe a drill for Fumigation Grade, Pacific Gold Oriental Mustard on the 100 acres of Green Chop. Rick needs a custom seeding since he does not own a drill. The Spring Wheat seed provides bulk and allows metering to be a little more accurate. A good mustard drill….Ideal in fact it would be the Case 500T, An SDX, The Landoll Box Drill, The Crustbuster with superior seed run, or the Deere 90 series. A 20 foot box drill could seed this 100 acre patch in one day. 7.5 inch or 10 inch. Note The fluted seed runs on a box drill are difficult at 2 to 3 pounds per acre. The Crustbuster drill could be pretty good. …A small seeds attachment box…or a grass seed box would be best to get the Certified Mustard seed rate to 2 to 5 lbs. per acre or 750,000 to 2 million plants per acre. A Yielder Drill uses the insecticide box with a fine wire metering screw which meters very accurately at very low rates for fine seeds and seed row insecticides.
Nebraska Ground Hog Day! - Broadcast 02_23_2021 ( The history of No-till. Your answers lie in the past. From Ammonia to Mustard, Improvements and education have made prime products like NH3 and Fumigant Mustard (Cyanide Gas) much more productive. No-till Relay Intercrop, Absolutely the best way to store CO2, CH4 and N20, Nitrous Oxide. Banded Exactrix TAPPKTS plus Zn Nutrients assure highest economic use of moisture and expensive inputs. October 25 upcoming issue in the New Era of NH3 will have the economics of Relay Intercrop, KTS, Mustard Fertilization, and Cyanide Gas.
Early July harvest scene, Hard Red Winter made top quality and went direct to the market.
What we need to know and how quick can we know it Pacific Gold Mustard Seed, a University of Idaho PPV is seeded in late March in Kansas Conditions. Pacific Gold Mustard can seeded any month of the year requiring 60 days to bloom.
Following Washington
State University guidelines and videos. Even Potatoes move to a 2 year rotation with Fumigant Grade Pacific Gold Oriental Mustard. Always use the Ag Nema testing lab, APHIS approved, and your agronomist to cross verify your specific nematode and other soil borne diseases. Mustard also stores more nitrogen in western conditions. Nitrous-ammonias bacteria goes static allowing more Ammonium. Cotton, In Texas and Oklahoma Conditions. KTS outperforms all other sources of Potassium.
Dramatic Changes in Cotton Production with KTS on depleted or sandy soils. K and S supplied timely. Micro Nutrients can finally work very well with homogenous delivery with KTS, ATS and APP. Fumigant Mustard also works well in Cotton when the specific Nematode is identified Always use TAPPKTS with Trafix Zn and 50/50 Humic/Fulvic.
Great Plains Reporter. |
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