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Go Make Some Money.
It Takes Less To Raise More.
Nutrient Costs 2018 will be 10% to 15% less than $64.00 acre.

Commercial Nitrogen must be reduced to improve yields. “It takes less to raise more.” It is the Process that makes the difference.
Exactrix® NPKS with micros Zn, Mn, Cu, B, banded deep ( 7 to 8 inches) for present and future crops is highly crop available.

Exactrix Process Nitrogen is 166% more crop available, and Exactrix Process TAPPS Phosphate is 200% more crop available and KTS® Potassium is up to 500% more crop available with homogenous micronutrients.

Banding Deep to 7 to 8 inches with No-tillage is powerful in irrigation and makes 15 inch spacing Rotational Band Loading possible for future crops.

Multiple Band Spacing of 15 inch is superior over 30 inch spacing in No-tillage using Mustang Openers with virtually no soil disturbance.

Band Spacings of 15 inch are superior over 30 inch spacing in No-tillage using Mustang Openers with virtually no soil disturbance.

Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS, out competes manure applications for highest possible returns in VRT-Site specific applications.

Total Nutrient Costs are 6.92% of the gross income in Exactrix/Yielder® TAPPS, highly crop available No-tillage nutrients, in VRT-Site Specific application at 1%CV.

Average Nutrient Costs, $64.00 per acre at 141 lbs. N as NH3, 12 gallons (70%)10-34-0, (30%) 12-0-0-26S, .5 lb. AZn.

2018 Nutrient Costs, Estimated at $49.00 to $53.00 per acre with Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS. 

On farm storage of NH3 and Liquid Nutrients helps to lower costs on an irrigated 4,400 acre SW Kansas , Sandy Soil farm.

Thio-sul® and KTS® are used to stabilize the nitrogen in giant rainfall events. Deep banding Mustang P-51 openers allow corn planter rows to be placed on top of Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS bands.

Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS with homogenous AZn and MnS04 drives the No-tillage economics to highest rates of return utilizing 1% CV of application in VRT-Site Specific deep banding.

Here is the whole story about Ben McClure at Kramer Seed Farm, Hugoton, KS.

“Leverage is Possible. Millions of Dollars of additional net income with savings and improved yields over a 10 year period makes leverage possible.”

In almost all cases in irrigated Exactrix VRT-Site Specific production there is $150 more net dollars per acre.

For a corn producer, a $350,000 investment will return it’s investment cost in 2,000 to 2,500 acres, and will potentially improve returns up to 2.5 million dollars over 5 years.

Where did all the Money go? It did not go to the Mega Fertilizer Organization. The money went to the Exactrix Farm Owner, The Manager of the Yielder® Technology.

The money, the extra net return, went in your pocket with the highest quality nutrients available.

Good Old NH3 crystallized and stabilized at 15 to 18 cent N and Exactrix high pressure liquefied with Ammonium Poly Phosphate,
10-34-0 and Thio-sul®, 12-0-0-26S, KTS® -0-0-25K-17S, Ammoniated Zinc, 16-0-0-20Zn, MnSO4.


Exactrix® TAPPS at 1% CV. Uniformity of streaming flows makes nutrients highly crop available.
Reported by, Kramer Seed Co, Ben McClure of Hugoton, KS.

You can review the attached Power Point presentation written by Ag Economist and Manager, Ben McClure.

Note: Two rain fall events of 8 inches total. A giant April rainstorm of 8 inches after banding and prior to planting produced confusion.
Did the TAPPS nutrients move? The recommendation was to apply more N. No extra N was applied based on correct information and years of experience with TAPPS. The decision was based on soil samples in the band of TAPPS and consulting from TKI, Bert Bock. The nitrogen remained in the top 24 inches in the critical Ammonium form. The bands were very easy to find in strip till 30 inch spacing. Samples were taken twice checking out Ammonium and Nitrate.

Nutrient Pricing.
At Hugoton, KS to Dalhart, TX, September to October, 17.
Producers with storage.
Transport delivery quotes delivered through October.

Thio-Sul®, 12-0-0-26S, $255 per ton.
Ammonium Poly Phosphate, 10-34-0, $355 per ton.

Potassium Thio-Sulfate, KTS®, $610 per ton.

World Market Price NH3, $160 per ton July, $258 per ton NOLA in September.

NH3 pricing to producers at inland sites such as Hugoton, KS or Dalhart, TX.
NH3, 82-0-0, from $215 per ton in July to $320 per ton in October.

2KC Series 3 Laminator with 2KM Sparging Reflow TAPPS formulator.
Case Row Track 420 in 2 point position.

Technical Products for raising soybeans in high pH using TAPPKTS and Ferrilene.
Liquid Rhizobia, 
DeKalb, Iron Chlorosis Tolerant Beans.
Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS formulators.
Exactrix Mustang Openers,  
Exactrix SRS.  
Single Super Phosphate,

Your Great Plains Reporter.


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Picking your metering systems.  

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(509) 254 6854