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Guy J Swanson

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The Exactrix Times is great group of articles that provide a compendium of correct information... Or a go to location to report and understand the nutrient application art.
More Art than Science. Education is constantly reviewed. The Science is true...
he Art part is up to each producer. Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS is magical allowing producers to get another 12% to the bottom line.

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Exactrix Times, Issue 139, Nov. 5, 13
Better Crops result from Better Management, not more fertilizer.
NPKS placed and carbon harvested... injecting into the Global Skin.


Why does it take more to raise less?

Almost always when the production margin is very big you will find wasteful practices with nutrients.
These wasteful practices create superficial land values in relation to cash flow when the government backs it.
Further investigation of big margin farming and you will find government policies at work supporting crops that are not competitive in the world market.

The UK, France, Egypt and Mexico are the world's worst at getting nutrient efficiency improved.

When you take a look at these wasteful countries you will find that No-till farming is not on the front burner.
You will also discover that Anhydrous Ammonia is not directly applied and stabilized as TAPPS or TAPPKTS in pre-plant or side dress applications.

UAN and URAN are the primary sources of N in these moderate climates.

Tillage practices create wasteful nutrient practices and losses of nutrients into the environment.
A rotation with tillage indicates to agricultural economists that the production margin is large to gigantic.
Rotational Band Loading cannot be practiced with tillage systems, therefore by-design tillage destroys bands, and does not allow future crops to access placed bands.

In the US wherever you find lots of tillage or a big margin, you will find polluted rivers, streams and drinking water that is not drinking water.

In the US wherever you find lots of tillage or a big margin, you will find polluted rivers, streams and drinking water that is not drinking water.

How did nutrient use get to be so inefficient?

1. Government Policies.
2. Poor Education of the producers.
3. Society is no longer agriculturally based.
4. Short term shortcuts have been allowed.
5. Stewardship not required.
6. World wide conservation is not stellar, producing less than acceptable global sustainability.
7. Agricultural pollution of rivers, streams, and gulfs is part of doing business.

What crop is the worst with nutrients? I heard it was wheat.

Since there is no world market for potatoes, you will find non-competitive practices and in many cases overproduction.
In the US you will find tillage in big margin crops, and probably the worst crop is potatoes.
Spuds have tremendous nutrient wastes, soil waste and wasteful use of carbon based inputs.
Potatoes in big acres of the PNW are subject to water and wind erosion.
In fact, some of the worst wind erosion in the nation is in Washington State and Southern Idaho irrigated areas.
Irrigated potato production drives the economics of the rotational crops, such as corn.
The equipment shortcut is made due to the convenience of the producer not investing in the correct equipment to raise corn efficiently,
thus potato production sets up corn production for pivot-applied-solution 32-0-0. Mobile nitrate with cheap water is not a good plan.


Are Canadian producers the best with nutrients?

The US, Canada and Australia are pretty proficient with nutrients and getting better all the time with Variable Rate, Site Specific applications.
Canadian Producers are close margin producers.
Also, Canada wheat production area is basically land locked with $1.50 for freight to the world market.
Lack of free competition from Agrium and Potash Corporation force much higher nutrient prices on Canadian producers.
US producers typically have lower prices for nutrients, thus not quite as efficient.
So, most Canadian producers work very hard at improving the margin with No-till, site specific farming and keeping the nutrient cost low.



Case SDX banding 12 inch centers at 62.5 feet with Exactrix TAPPS formulators in No-tillage farming at Manning, Alberta.
Large farms in Canada use Anhydrous Ammonia to get the job done and stabilized as TAPPS.
Go to

Another secret of Canadian producers is proactive governmental agencies. "What are you talking about" you ask.
Canadian producers have a solid banking system. Canadian producers also realize technology upgrades with adequate banking and infrastructure to support the equipment.
The major technology burst of wheat production and reduced inputs with no-tillage comes from Saskatchewan.
Big No-tillage machinery is built and exported from an area that should not produce machinery.

Russia, Ukraine, Australia and the United States of America look for good equipment from the 49th to 55th parallel in the very northern center of North America farming.
Government policies can make a big difference in protecting the land and keep nutrient costs low with No-tillage.



Walla Walla, Washington, Deep volcanic ash soils formed by the Cascade volcanoes. Formed in 100,000 years, the deep soils could be non-productive with 200 years of tillage.
Exactrix TAPPS Nutrient placement with No-tillage leaves the stubble up and keeps gravity under control with maximum soil stored moisture for a good winter wheat crop.

Could it be true that producers have field wide averages in No-till Dryland winter wheat of 156 bushels per acre?
No-tillage has uniformity on its side and this is why the high yields in Dryland production at Walla Walla, Washington.
A plan at the University level is the wheat genome plant breeding, and it will not be long before field wide averages will reach 200 bushels per acre or quality will be raised to meet the market.
Breeding reduces nutrient risk.
Proper equipment such as Exactrix TAPPS Formulators in series 3 VRT drives nutrient efficiency and much higher yields at Walla Walla, Washington.

Deep soils are not forgiving for long. Why?
The chance to hurt the environment and the food supply lies with about 80,000 producers in the US.
Producers only get one chance to do it right.

Most farming practices are a form of carbon mining that is not sustainable.
In fact at Pullman, Washington, average yields would have been 15 bushels per acre higher(15% higher) if producers would have not plowed the soil.

Producer chances of repeating all the problems of the past populations is prolog.
One trip to see the Cedars of Lebanon, Greece or Italy will pretty much convince any producer that you get one good chance.
A big margin was not a good long term program in the Roman Empire.

Our Planet is closer to 7 billion people, all the time of which about 1/3rd or 2 Billion can live without Anhydrous Ammonia.
Nutrient use is increasing globally with a decreasing effort at conservation of soils...this is equivalent to an asteroid hitting the planet wiping out many of the plant phylum's and the restart of organic life as we know it. A Malthusian Meltdown is on the way.


Isn't one of problems with top yields/lower cost per bushel due to lack of nutrient placement.

Deep banding is one reason why the United States and Canada are pretty good with nutrients.

Surface and 2 x 2 side placement is just not effective as deep banded using NH3 and APP/ATS and KTS to form TAPPS and TAPPKTS in drought Stress.

Banding Depths in No-till are now possible at 7 inch depths with P-51CUE openers.

Banding single disc openers are also available to band at the 9 inch depth P-51D openers.

Surface applied and shallow placed nutrients is where a good deal of the pollution is coming from with almost half of the nitrogen wasted.

Banding at 2 to 4 inches is good but why 7 to 8 inches deep bands? Why invest a two pass design with these deeper bands when I can do it with my planter or seeder?

Several peer reviewed technical papers now confirm that bands of nutrients at about 7 inches will produce better crops and future crops will be better.

Injection into the Global Skin at top efficiency is more effective when moisture and root colonies are deeper. It is true that7 inch deep banding has more precision. Banding deeper costs just a little more and produces a lot more net income. Always band the nutrients into consistent soil moisture under pivots and yields do go up. Consistent soil moisture is not found at the 2 to 4 inch level on the pivot. Good moisture is always at 7 to 10 inch depth.

And No-tillage banding deeper to 6 to 8 inch depths is now possible with Mustang P-51CUE and P-51D.

The equipment investment makes a lot of difference and Floater Spin Spreaders are not competitors losing up to $300 per acre in irrigated corn production. Your management decision will make a very big difference in the bottom line.


Why would rotation be the key?
The world market wheat production margin does not support tillage, nor does the margin support wasteful practices with nutrients.
A portion of the efficiency of Canadian production comes from the rotation of Peas, Lentils, GMO Canola, Spring Wheat and Spring Barley in rotation.

Wheat nutrient efficiency in the US is related to livestock and dropping wheat acres in favor of corn.
A good percentage of the winter wheat is grazed and reaches market condition in poor shape and may not be harvested.
The major wheat production of the US is recognized as the PNW, with 90% of all classes in production and bred by University Scientists as non-GMO.

The declining acres of wheat are found in Kansas, which is changing to big acres of Dryland corn with an improved rotation.
Average wheat yields should increase if winter canola and Dryland corn rotations can increase. Average corn yields should decrease.

So how come some of highest yields in corn have no rotation?
Mainly because the comparison is made to corn and soybeans.
The cost to raise corn on corn is a hidden cost.

The corn soybean rotation is a very short rotation, thus the soil is not getting the advantage of a break in rotation.
The corn on corn cropping system has its economic problems.

The rotation must be longer. The roots must be deeper in all the crops in rotation.
The rotation of 5 to 7 different crops and using high glucosinolate cover, cover cropping (Winter and Spring Brassicas) helps improve any following crops yield.

This is the dilemma of the Corn/Ethanol debate.
Other crops need to be considered to diversify the rotation and protect the security of the nation by not focusing so much on one crop.


Why does Anhydrous Ammonia always produce the highest yields even with the old pressure reducing NH3 Systems?
The Global Skin...our super thin layer of global life requires water to make the soil work. The same is true with Anhydrous Ammonia.
When Anhydrous Ammonia is banded at the 7 inch depth, the roots colonize better in more consistent moisture when drought stress or dry weather shows up.

The Geometric access is better for following crops.
The Geometric access of nutrients remains the most powerful aspect of crop is called Shallow Banding at 4 inches and Banding Deep to 7 inches.

Always remember the plant makes Amino Acids from NH4...not nitrate. The wheat, corn and cotton plant are most efficient with 7 inch banded NH3 as stabilized TAPPS and TAPPKTS.

10. Dryland Corn has 6 foot deep root system.

11. Irrigated Corn has a 3 to 4 foot deep root system and requires a cover crop to remove all the nitrate and break the disease cycle.
Why do No-till farmers have such an advantage using Rotational Band Loading?
Roots are not able to locate fertilizer based on smell, feel, or some type of tropic response to pH.
Roots find nutrients and when they do, the roots colonized.

At highest level of efficiency, only 30% of the placed P can be utilized in the crop.
The highest performance of nutrients is always in a balance of nutrients. NPKS are applied together in a crystallized form. TAPPS and TAPPKTS is a good example.

If the nutrient is applied to surface it is generally not nearly as effective, since roots do not develop on the surface.
Roots do best where there is moisture to support the plant above the ground line...whereby drought can be a significant part of the puzzle of raising a good crop with a pivot.

Many producers think that pivots do not starve for moisture. These producers need to go check out their lawn sprinkler and figure out where to put the water.

Roots prefer the nutrients deeper to bring on the colony. Roots prefer a constant supply of nutrient and water.
Thus Fertilizer is not really plant food. Fertilizer is really a stimulant to allow roots to proliferate and absorb water to support the plant above the ground line.

This is a big reason why strip till took off, as the root colony is located in consistent soil moisture with pivots or natural rainfall.
A dermal treatment of penicillin is not nearly as effective in controlling infection. A lineal stream flow into the target path of blood flow does the most good at about 1/10th the rate.


Two National Awards, Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS.

Why does Alfalfa work so well in rotation?

Deep rooted Alfalfa was considered a good crop in corn production rotation prior to NH3.
From 1955 to 1965, Alfalfa began to disappear as a rotation crop.

Alfalfa makes a uniform distribution of nitrogen, since it has many years to nodulate and deliver high quality carbon, nitrogen, phosphate and potassium into the depths of the profile.

Alfalfa is right up there with earthworms in improving soil tilth and percolation.
Nutrients cannot mask Alfalfa properly, since nutrients can be mechanically banded to about 7 to 10 inch depths.

Until recently, it was not possible to deliver nutrients uniformly. Exactrix now delivers all nutrients within 1% CV.
In fact, Alfalfa has the greatest potential to reduce nutrient cost if it is introduced into the rotation.

Alfalfa has one drawback. It is a high P and K consumer, since the biomass is removed to areas remote to the area it was grown.
Considering Alfalfa in your rotation requires advance planning of the nutrient cycle.


Double cropping with Exactrix Wing Injection allows a dynamic shift in rotation using Milo and Sunflower.
Longer Rotations always result in better management and better farming.

How can I raise close rotations and get good yields and best economics?
Mustard...and Brassicas in the growing crop. In fact, two crops can be raised inside a corn crop. Pre-plant and Side dress.

Break the cycle with Pacific Gold mustards and Dwarf Essex Winter Rape.
Avoid the grasses in corn, go for the brassicas and keep your cover crop costs very low.

Cancel the Ketchup and pass the Mustard.
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Training Videos are available at

More news about Relay Intercropping at

Mustard and Fumigation at WSU, U of I subject htm's and


For a good overview of banding deeper go to

Need more historical reference of Exactrix Global Systems. Go to

Banding Deeper in No-till without tillage with Rotational Band Loading.

Need more information about STEEP test plots and how Exactrix performs go

How TAPPS and TAPPKTS Changed a Kansas Farm. An KSU Ag Economist gives a good review.

Meeting your formulation needs.

Picking your metering systems.

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advanced crop production.

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(509) 254 6854

Eric Odberg at Genesee, Idaho breaking winter wheat yield records with Exactrix TAPPS at Catholic Canyon using 4 management zones with Exactrix Variable Rate. EO.htm
See Video



With Back Flush Capability