How many crop years did it take Steve McCasland?....to make a 4,200 foot elevation, 127 acre center pivot, average 316 bushels per acre...? |
After 30 years
of practice...inching up the yield barrier each year since
starting with Exactrix seven years ago hitting the 250 bushel per acre
mark.....getting better and better with the Exactrix product each
year.....and learning the techniques of Exactrix TAPPS, and TAPPKTS side
dressing corn.....In 2012 a big change....Steve parked the Bourgault MRB
openers and installed Mustang P-51C....The Mustangs have a 15 inch band
width and a banding capability to the 9 inch depth.
TAPPKTS with Humic Acid....With a total of $150 per acre in fertilizer
cost.....to up the return to $2,200 per acre gross. 6.8% or the gross
income for fertilizer.... The 9 inch TAPPS Banding on 15 inch centers with single disc Mustangs resulted in a big change for Steve. An Exactrix TAPPS/Mustang hedge of $700 per acre using Monsanto genetics. Mustang P-51C openers were a lot of the key with Exactrix TAPPS Application. Mustangs
offer low horsepower banding with surgical cuts introducing TAPPS and
TAPPKTS with Hydra Hume.
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