Why is Winter Wheat Hybridized A Big Deal?
Why is Hybridized Winter Canola Better Than Cover Crop?
Why Hybridized Rye.
wo choices in Wheat Metering for Planters.
Brian Sieker, and Plant Rite 15" Wheat Rows for Vacuum Planter

The last crop major crop, Wheat gets hybridization of seed almost 100 years after commercial hybridization was invented. 

False start and not the finish. Hybridized Cargill Bounty was commercially produced at Ft. Collins, Colorado in the early 1975 to 85 period. Cargill had a long term program.

From 1983 to 1997 Yielder Drills seeded Cargill Bounty Hybrid Wheat and Quantum Hybrid Winter Wheat across the Great Plains.     

It was obvious additional technologies were required to make Hybrid Winter Wheat viable as commodity prices dropped into the cellar in 1985. The Farm Bill of 85 and CRP killed Hybrid Wheat.

 Hingham, Montana, 1983. Yielder 2020 applying 10-34-0, Thio-sul® and 82-0-0.


Pullman, Washington, Yielder Drill applying MAPS, 16-20-0-14S and 82-0-0  


Case 9230, Hillco Leveling, 45 foot header, Col./Wilcox, Washington.  



 Deere S780, Hillco Leveling, 40 foot header, Col./Pennewawa, Washington,.  

Low Cost Seed Rates With Advanced Planters, Seed Row Saturation, H2O in row,  assuring a 95% stand,  and Mustang Tool Bars make Hybrid Winter Wheat possible today at low commodity prices.  

Yields can be increased and fully compensated for higher seed costs. Hybrid Vigor traits in all crops are known for commercial success. Non-GMO wheat is entirely possible and yet hybridized.

Solving the Hybrid Wheat emergence problem with No-tillage and Deep Banding TAPPS helps. Seed row fertilizer is not used with TAPPS and SRS.  

Seed Row Saturation allows a low seed rate (high cost seed can be used) in Low OM, High pH soils.   

“Hybrid Winter Wheat is a Go” in the depleted soils of the Great Plains.  

https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/bitstream/135906/2/fris-1988-21-01-033.pdf   The history of Hybrid Wheat.


Yielder 3015 Mustang tool Bar, Liberal, Kansas, Rental Tool Bar Program with Keating Tractor, Headquarters for Mustang Parts and service support from Troy Coen.

No-tillage deep band fertilization of Winter Wheat has powerful soil saving economics for Graze Out and Production of Grain.  

December Winter Wheat, TAM 111 at Hugoton, KS, Bumper Flats.  

Your chance to review…..Testing will be reviewed Feb. 14 and Feb. 15 at Hugoton at Frontier Farming Days.
Place your bets. GJS

  6                7
Your Great Plains Reporter,
Guy J Swanson

“See You at Frontier No-Till Farming Days. Hugoton.”

Hybrid Wheat, and Certified Wheat Seed Works Best with SRS.  

SRS on Left on 20 inch.

Seed rate: 15 lbs. and 30 lbs. tested. 
SRS, 50 and 100 gallons per acre water per acre on 20 inch.
30 lbs. per acre seed rate shown on 20 inch planted an 10 inch drilled.  

On 20 inch row spacing, 360,000 population what is the seed spacing? 

Calculations indicate….that is  .875 inch seed  spacing.  

If Stocker Feeders are grazing Certified Wheat Grazing Varieties then it is important for close in row spacing down to .625 inch. 

If harvested wheat yield is important with Hybrid Winter Wheat Seed (No Grazing), spacing of 1.5 inch in 20 inch rows at 180,000  may produce better economic results.



  • Excellent returns for No-till Farmers in Winter Wheat…..Less Straw and more grain…..The Straw to Grain Ratio is
  • Big heads on strong stems with excellent protein.
  • Time proven in the PNW Winter Wheat and Dwarf Essex Production.
  • The chance for a good no till crop to follow.  Soybeans or Sunflowers planted between 20 inch rows.
  • No-tillage banded nutrients. Ability to band TAPPS deep on 20 inch band centers or 10 inch band centers for present
        and future crops and a double crop possibility by using maturity driving phosphate deep and directly under the row.
  • TAPPS phosphate efficiency will drive maturity ahead about 10 days….low rates N, Higher rates P in soil pH to 8.
  • Also allows foliar  fungicides to be applied on target in Fungicide bands with hooded sprayers.
  • Hybrid Wheat is possible.
  • In South Western Kansas No-tillage Double Cropping is greatly enhanced when wheat is planted on 20 inch centers.
  • No yield compromise in winter wheat production circa ARS testing in Washington State. Jim Cook, 7-14-21- 28 inch rows
        of winter wheat.
  • A better chance for a great fall start with Planter Row Cleaners, Depth Control and SRS and superior stand
  • Applicable to 15, 18, 20 and 24 inch planters.
  • Ideal for Certified Seed production using micro-nutrients and power packing seed with NPKS and Micros and banding
       directly under the seed row….or to the side of the seed row.
  • Can be used for grazing at elevated seed rates.
  • Why is Hybrid Winter Wheat a Big Deal? In combination with Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS, No-tillage Mustang Deep
        Banding, No Tillage Planting with SRS about 150% more cattle can be carried on Graze Out winter wheat .

    Hybrid Rye from Great Britain/Europe is on test in the US. It is Often planted earlier than winter wheat. Rye is known for
        grazing quality in Alberta and now Hybrid Rye has feed quality grain.

      or KWS website. http://www.kws-uk.com/global/show_document.asp?id=aaaaaaaaaaxisbt 










    Winter and Spring Varieties.  Around 25 to 40 T/Ha.



         Triticale                                                                                                              Hybrid Rye.



    Hybridized Seed producing about 1/3 more production. 
    Probably not a volunteer or feral problem, but not confirmed in Texas and Oklahoma conditions.


       Hybrid Rye from KWS.

    At Munday, Texas,  Banding Video of Winter Wheat, Pre Plant.  See Video

    Cows are important when breeding Hybrid Winter Wheat, Hybrid Winter and Spring Rye, and Hybrid Winter Canola.  

    Note: In 1870 to 1880 a calf in Oklahoma Indian Territory cost 25 cents and two years later it was worth $25.00. Civil war generals subsidized military pay with large cattle operations in Oklahoma.

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    • About 13 million acres of winter wheat are dedicated to stocker feeders often referred to as Graze Out.
    • This is very close to 30% of all acres.
    • Light Calves at 250 to 300 lbs. graze from November to March on nutrient rich winter wheat.
    • This 13 million acres disappears from the production projections by April under drought conditions changing the market price for wheat.
    • Oklahoma and Texas wheat crops become the swing vote states in Kansas City pricing of Great Plains Winter Wheat.
    • Not always is there a Graze Out of the Winter Wheat crop.
    • Hybrid Winter Wheat with high nutrient value could reduce the need for corn.  
    • At Dec. 1 there were 11.7 million cattle in Feed lots over 1,000 head.
    • The herd size is 105 million head and between 25 million to 33 million head of cattle are slaughtered for beef annually.
    • Healthy replacement heifers and adequate feed stock determine the size of the American cattle herd.
    • Alberta contributes about 5 million head per year.
    • Buffalo in 1840 were estimated at 40 million head.


    TAM 111, Kramer Seed Certified, An SRS start at Bumper Flats. Jay and Joel McClure.  
    Will Winter Canola Compete?  We are convinced it will.



    Double Cropping along the Arkansas River, Deerfield, KS, Triple G Partners. Corn to follow Triticale.



    Mustang Tool Bar with 49 openers on 15 inch centers banding 7 inches deep. Operating at 8.4 mph at 1890 rpm with a 9630 tractor at 1.03 acres per minute.  

    No-tillage Banding into the stripper header harvested canopy of 90 bushel winter wheat saving moisture and allowing a good seed bed for No-till corn in the spring of 2019.   

    Exactrix TAPPS banded deep to 7 inch depth.


    Winter Canola without SRS. Seed Row Saturation at 50 to 100 gallons per acre of H2O assures a stand of Winter Canola.

    By Frank Lessiter posted on May 12, 2018

    With low grain prices and a declining wheat acreage, Guy Swanson believes winter canola could replace a considerable amount of the winter wheat grown in the western U.S. The result could be higher incomes for no-tillers, bonus opportunities for turning out a high-quality product and a dramatic reduction in soil erosion.

    The head of Exactrix Systems in Spokane, Wash., Swanson says a properly fertilized winter canola crop should gross around $290 with a cash outlay of only $90-$120 per acre. There’s growing demand for the crop, as U.S. food and fuel processors buy over $700 million of Canadian-grown canola oil, seed and meal each year. 

    In Canada, canola is grown on 16 million acres, while the U.S. acreage stands at only 1.7 million acres. As canola production continues to increase in the western Canada prairies, so does the percentage of the crop grown with no-till.



    Trim Erosion Losses

    Swanson says replacing 2 million acres of U.S. winter wheat with no-tilled winter canola could trim soil losses by at least 10 times the amount that occurs with growing winter wheat. As an example, he maintains that winter wheat is responsible for 90% of the soil erosion that takes place in Washington, Oregon and Idaho. This represents 1,500 pounds of lost topsoil for every bushel of exported wheat from the area.

    “When properly implemented, no-tilling Roundup Ready winter canola drops soil erosion levels well below the expectations of any other cropping system,” he says. “Winter canola also offers better returns than winter wheat and growers can earn bonuses for higher protein and oil content.”

    No-Till vs. Summer Fallow


    By the 1970s, numerous oilseed and pulse crops were being seeded in western Canada, of which canola was the most important. The continued adoption of no-till, along with both the agronomic and economic benefits of canola, dramatically changed crop rotation needs and led to the demise of summer fallow. Suddenly, crop rotations on Canada’s western prairie farms included more than just growing wheat after wheat.

    No-tilled or strip-tilled in 30-inch rows, winter canola not only offers a good profit margin, but protects the soil over the winter much like a cover crop. Harvest normally takes place 2 weeks ahead of wheat, which spreads out the harvesting season for growers. 

    “Winter canola helps build soil quality and its early establishment protects soils that tend to erode under winter wheat production,” Swanson says. “Adding winter canola to a no-till rotation is a paying proposition. No-tilled wheat and corn yields often jump as much as 10%, as winter canola helps overcome serious nematode concerns.”

    With low wheat prices and returns, it’s time for U.S. wheat growers to take a closer look at the many benefits of no-tilling canola.





    SRS is required for a good stand of Winter Canola. Make sure your planter can apply 50 to 100 gallons of water.



    Pivot application of H2O does not produce good stands of Winter Canola if you are thinking that the pivot water will do the job.
    Never attempt using the pivot to irrigate up Winter Canola. All seedlings must emerge together.



    Poor stand establishment without SRS. 
    For sure five different crop stages to manage plus weeds have equal access to moisture.
    Starve the weeds and feed the crop with SRS.



    120 cell meters are used for Winter Canola.


    Making a Case for Winter Canola

    McClure and Swanson Tip For Producers with Nematodes. 




    “Turn up the Heat” and send the little root feeders and pruners into oblivion.

    1. In addition Winter Canola can be used a Fumigant Crop…not a Cover Crop….Winter Canola and Dwarf Essex is a Fumigant Crop with Flexibility.
    2. Plant Winter Canola following Wheat or Triticale under pivots in late July or early August.
    3. Establish Winter Canola as a low cost Fumigant crop at about $7.00 per acre seed cost at 80,000 population using Hybrid Seed from Rubisco.
    4. As the Winter Canola goes dormant with freezing nights, Banding deep to 7 inches and to the side, Mustang Openers will band TAPPS into the Canola in November and December at Irrigated Corn Production rates of 140 lbs. N as NH3 5 gallons APP or 20 lbs. P and 7 gallons ATS or lbs. S and 1 lb.  Ammoniated zinc, 16-0-0-20 Zn. A rate of 155 lbs. N as Ammonium, 20 lbs. P and 20 lbs. S and 1lb. Zinc. 
    5. As soon as possible following the cash winter crop plant and establish the Winter Canola early as possible to increase rooting depth. If the Winter Canola market is not strong in the Spring kill the Winter Canola crop and go with Corn on top of Canola Rows. For $7.00 cash outlay you have whipped up on the Nematodes and you will could easily have 50 to 100 bushels more corn in the infested areas.
    6. Watch the Corn Yields jump up another 50% using Winter Canola as Fumigant Crop with Corn rows on top of Canola Rows. And up for 5 years following Winter Canola you will observe fumigant responses.  
    7. Send the Nematodes into oblivion with Exactrix TAPPS, TAPPKTS and Fumigation of Winter Canola.
    8. The same technique will work with Pacific Gold Oriental Mustard which is high in glucosinolates and can be best utilized after freezing nights in the Spring cropping mode.
    9. Sometimes the Mustard must be worked into the soil to get the maximum benefit.
    10. Winter Canola is totally different story with rooting depths to 6 to 8 feet by spring time.  Winter Canola and Dwarf Essex is tough to kill. Make sure the Roundup application is on the mark.


      At Goodland, KS. Winter Canola Roots can penetrate 8 to 10 feet deep providing up to 5 years of effective fumigation.   

      Good And Deep Soils at Goodland.

    News about Wheat Meters.

    From Brian Sieker at Lyons, KS.  Built in Ohio.  Wheat Meter.

    A review of Plantrite metering discs.


     20 inch spacing.

    SRS at 50 to 100 gallons per acre.  All seeds must germinate together in 3 to 4 days, all plants push together, and send seminal roots rapidly downward.
    The Key Point:  Seminal Roots must compete and race to deeper soil depths at a much faster rate of root elongation.   This is Similar to Hill Planting.

    Need about 15 lbs. x 12,300 seeds per lb...or 184,500 for yield. Double for Grazing or 369,000.  

    Testing at 10 lbs. to 30 lbs. with Certified Seed Wheat, TAM 111 was a good choice at Hugoton.  
    Testing should start at 123,000 seeds per acre and range to 369,000 seeds per acre on 20 inch spacing.


    http://exactrix.com/Broadcast_07_10_2018.html   Exactrix Plots a Solution.


    Mustang, P-51C openers banding to 8 inch depths in Winter Wheat and Pre-plant Corn Production, Ideal for  No-till Cotton.


    Liquid Streaming Flows are key to uniformity. Uniform Band Length and Band Width, Exactly the same on every acre. 


    SRS Delivery Systems.

    36   37


      .38  39


    “Not all water is the same.”
    Ogallala water is high in calcium and there is a lot of water, more water than all the Great Lakes combined.



    TAPPS and TAPPKTS is greatly responsible for yield increases in cotton.


    SRS  is  the bridge and plots the solution of expensive seed and lack of moisture to germinate on time. The SDI technique requires SRS  for the moisture lines to meet and allow a good stand.  

    Dryland Cotton is greatly improved with SRS.  

    Seed Row Saturation at 50 to 100 gallons per acre on 20, 30 and 40 inch spacing sets a new potential yield mark with expensive cotton seed.  

    Exactrix No-till TAPPS application improves cotton yield potential with only ammonium in the production nutrient cycle. 

    Ammonium reduces excessive vegetative growth while nitrate application from 32-0-0 hurts overall yield. Known for years, Ammonium or NH3 is superior in cotton production.


    Avoid those spotty stands by improving the germination bet of Cotton production with SRS.

    Henry Wallace Discovered, Almost 57% of the cost of raising seed corn had nothing to do with basic production operations.
    Sales Commissions, Promotion, and Risk of Marketing represented the hidden costs of How To Raise And Sell Seed Corn.
    Legal Costs would make up a major portion of the budget and categorized as Risk?


    Frontier Farming Days

    Hugoton, KS, Thursday, Feb 14 and Friday, Feb 15, 2019

    No-Till Advanced Demonstrations and Seminars.

    Meet your peers and supporters of advanced farming technology.

    Share information on reduced production costs with yield enhancement.

    Find the “Mortgage Lifter”, a dynamic shift in your profitability. 

    Meet the bankers that will finance your change to profitability.

                                             Cotton Nutrients reviewed with biological inputs and SRS.  

    Making another $150 per irrigated Corn acre with a simple change.

    Your Great Plains Reporter,
    Guy J Swanson.

    John Cory
    Security West Financial

    Call your new banker, John Cory, Security West Financial.
    http://swfinco.com/contact.html   (509) 994-8555 You can go off the balance sheet and work with the best using the strength of Farm Credit and others.

    John will help you spend about $40,000 annually to make $150,000 more annually by spending only $60 per acre in irrigated production for fertilizer. John understands the cycles of agriculture and how to keep your balance sheet looking good.

    At the end of five years you will own a powerful machine that continue to produce good returns having already been paid for at the end of the first year.  You can even apply for your neighbors with a Mustang Tool Bar.

    At 1,000 acres of corn, An internal bottom line savings of $750,000 over five years on 5,000 acres of corn.  

    An Exactrix® Mustang Tool Bar capable of producing $550,000 of internally available funds in five years.   

      See Video 

    Top yields, best margin and the new leader in VRT-Site Specific, Small Grains Expert. Eric Odberg at Genesee, Idaho breaking winter wheat yield records. Exactrix® TAPPS at Catholic Canyon using 4 management zones. Exactrix® Site-Specific, Variable Rate

    "Paul Gangwish, Drone Video"
    Track Machines improve production 200%.
    Application time cut in half at 1 acre per minute.
    Up to $150 more net income per acre.

    The 2017 Agronomy Review.

    Meeting your formulation needs. www.exactrix.com/TF.htm  

    Picking your metering systems. www.exactrix.com/epm.htm  

    Need more information on advanced crop production.   www.exactrix.com/EWAC.htm


    For More Information:
    509.254 6854