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Phosphate efficiency may limit yields in small grains.
Dark Northern
Spring Wheat consumes twice as much placed P as winter wheat per
bushel produced. DNSW is also the highest user of placed P
compared to all other cereal grains.
soils sequester placed P and therefore a technique long
practiced with Yielder Drills, (NP equipped and so
designated), can be used with single disc drills from Case and
Deere. The technique is used with high yielding 140 bushel per
acre DNSW under irrigation to raise the overall P uptake and
drive the plant to faster growth and maturity in cooler soils.
Placed P turns up the thermostat about 10 degrees with this
technique. In otherwords the plant propagates at lower
temperatures most effectively.
is placed P so critical to spring wheat?
research by Dr. Roger Wilson (retired) indicates that 70% of
the placed P must be in the plant root system in first 30 days.
After 30 days nitrogen uptake becomes critical. Wheat pulls
tremendous amounts of N right up to antithesis and stores the N
in the plant stems and flag leaf. The crown roots branch and
explore the top 18 inches where 80% of the nutrients are
located. Seminal roots reach for moisture to about 3 to 3.5
TAPPS allows
P to be 40% more effective than dry phosphate application in the
seed row since the crystal formulation avoids the calcium tie
up....plus TAPPS can be positionally located in relation to
radicle and seminal root hairs for maximum geometric uptake
early....in fact right at plant emergence. The
technique does not apply with the almost impossible task
of using dry fertilizers. P is so much more efficient that a
reduction in placed P can occur if TAPPS is formulated.
Spring wheat
root systems are not extensive like winter wheat or corn.
Therefore spring wheat must absorb more placed P to raise
higher protein and yield. Dry formulations of P have
delivery and require higher rates of P to be applied. This is
one reason why dry phosphate fertilizer is seldom used on corn
planters....poor flow and delivery and damaged corn from
sinusoidal flow or steady by jerks application.
70% of the root mass is in the top 18 inches of soil...this is
why side dressing works so well...the nutrients are not below
the root mass. The nutrients are in the root mass area.
DNSW makes
yield first and protein second. Developing strong and thick
walled, plant stems using ammonic nitrogen and implementing an
absorptive root system with formulated TAPPS requires high
placed P efficiency.
Timing of
TAPPS with side dress application of nutrients at 30 to 50 day
period drives placed and soil stored nutrient efficiency
higher....so a split application of nutrients using the single
disc seeder as side dress applicator moves the plant efficiency
along more rapidly and allows the plants secondary root system
to absorb more nutrients and to store more nitrogen in the plant
stem. DNSW is like corn...it stores nitrogen in the plant stem
and flag leaf allowing the seed berry to develop high protein...
The longer
the nutrients are in the ground....the greater the risk
becomes...This makes single disc seeders powerful tools in
managing nutrients with Exactrix TAPPS application. You may
have top dressed spring wheat to take higher protein using
expensive 32 and 28...now you can side dress spring wheat
between 30 and 60 days after seeding and use much less N, P and
S placed.
values and can reach lofty marks of 15% and 16% using ATS with
APP and NH3 with the techniques of Cross Row Feeding and Side
Dress. Falling numbers can be found in the 300 to 400 range.
All nutrients placed timely at seeding and again at side dress
Sulfur important in protein wheats? What about
pH and Cooper?
Yes, Protein
wheats require about twice as much S and pushing protein higher
requires about 10 to 15 pounds of N and about 5 pounds of S for
each 1% of protein above 12% in the 50 bushel range. Your soil
test may indicate differently but this is good place to start.
With Exactrix
techniques and 100 bushel DNSW you will need to budget about
30 pounds of additional N and 10 to 15 pounds of additional S in
the form of Thio-Sul to raise the protein from 12% to
14%...After 14% to 16% you can expect to use 15 pounds of N and
7 pounds of S to raise an additional 1% protein per 100 bushels
produced. Side dressing must be considered. An algorithm should
be developed with a $1,000 payment from Exactrix for test plots
to confirm values.
The critical
point is Exactrix N, P, and S as TAPPS must be used...the
application rates will not work with other nutrient strategies.
Remember protein wheats make yield first and protein second.
Using less N and S is achieved with Cross Row Feeding as
compared to other nutrient application strategies.
You will also
need to use copper if you have a peat type soil....If the soil
pH is above 7 or much below 6, TAPPS must be formulated....There
may be some advantage in liming your low pH soils....If you have
a pH of 5.5 or less it will take about 23% more nutrients
compared to a 7 pH soil.
Calcium and
Aluminum are the bad players in variable pH soils. Aluminum
toxicity is well known on Acid Wheatland Soils of Oklahoma.
Palouse soils also have serious problems with low pH and low
micro-biological activity....Liming and fluid lime application
may be required to neutralize the soil and free up sequested
nutrients found in Acid Wheatland Soils. The only solution on
high pH soils is dual placement techniques, TAPPS, and Cross Row
does Cross Row Feeding work so well with No-tillage systems?
Band Loading adds a lot of value over time by leaving the old
nutrient bands undisturbed and thus single disc openers are
required....But the most valuable economics comes from the
increasing OM and the improved CEC. The soil bacteria
contributes tremendous amounts of uniform distributed plant food
during the growing season. Established No-till producers will
tell you that their No-till cropping systems require less placed
P and less placed N...the soil bacteria and the soil life are
doing exactly what they are supposed to do. In fact it is all
natural....the only thing missing is the buffalo.
It does
become very important to spread the harvest residue evenly and
finely chopped for immediately bacterial decomposition....New
combines are geared for No-till residue management and even
distribution of OM. Avoid harvesting or bailing residue....No
ethanol plant can pay you enough for the 5,000 to 10,000 pounds
of residue per acre evenly distributed across the land.
Producers who spread manure know the costs associated with
adding OM...why not just grow it and let it fall to ground where
it does the most good. Energy costs are now so high that the
value of the residue has doubled.
If you have
low pH soil below 5.5 the soil bacteria are replaced by fungi
which make no contribution of any significance. In fact OM can
build rapidly in low pH soils. The Olympic Rainforest is a
pretty good example of how acid soils slow down the OM release.
The forrest floor is about 2 feet deep in decaying OM. No soil
building bacteria can be found in the system....but lots of
mushrooms and fungus phylum plant life. In fact low pH soils
mean more soil borne fungal diseases such as Cercosperella Foot
Rot (eyespot) and Cephlasporium Fungus Stripe....pretty serious
diseases of wheat that you seldom find in 7 or greater pH soils.
Doesn't weather play a big role in raising high protein quality
spring wheat?
Weather is
the single biggest factor....plan for failure and that is
normally what you get...Pick a good or average yield goal and
fertilize accordingly...do not go overboard on the
nutrients....study the rainfall pattern, side dress the spring
wheat at 30 to 60 days and do all you can to protect the
crop...normally everything works out. Flooded fields and severe
outbreaks of FHB can reduce protein, falling numbers and test
Northern Spring Wheat makes yield first and protein second...if
the protein premium is significant, the risk is reduced with
extra nutrients...if the protein premium is not significant
fertilize for yield only and hope for hot weather at filling.
Hot winds at filling and drier conditions provide a DHV
kernel. Thus Montana, western North Dakota, and Southern
Idaho will always be the primary supplier of high quality DNSW
for export. In fact Portland wheat buyers often specify a
premium for DNSW 15% protein, Montana Origin...assuring good
falling numbers and a DHV kernel. Coast prices can reach high
values...also Logan, Utah where high protein spring wheat can
sell for $6.50 per bushel.
this work with Winter Wheat?
Yes, Winter
wheat needs high placed P efficiency to harden the plant for
winter survival. Rapid uptake of place P in the fall thickens
the cell wall and improves winter survival. This is why solution
32 or 28 is never used on winter wheat...hardiness is greatly
compromised due to a thin cell wall from rapid growth. Plus you
can side dress the winter wheat with Exactrix NH3 in the
spring. So you can use less hardy varieties with higher yield
potential. TAM wheats might work in Nebraska.....Nebraska
wheats might work in North Dakota.
The plant
breeder knows that the genes of high yield and winter hardiness
never go together....high yielding soft white winter wheats
always have spring wheat parents.
High yielding
winter wheat varieties always break
dormancy early. If the winter wheat variety breaks dormancy it
will never re-harden or be as tolerant
to the cold, plant desiccating winds. Thus standing stubble
allows the winter wheat to be protected and continue growing
under the snow cover...The stubble provides the winter
protection and results in better yields under stressful spring
limitations are often determined by the tillage system and the
fertilizer placement technique.....Snow trapping and Cross Row
Feeding allows for higher yields with more moisture and a
thrifty plant.
Go to
and see winter wheat being side dressed with an Exactrix single
disc tool bar.
is Cross Row Feeding TM?
Each seed row
can access two placed bands of fertility. Thus the emerging
plant has double the targets for placed P. This double target
effect allows more exchange sites for the fine hair roots as the
seminals branch out in all directions. When the crown roots
take off they find double targets.
Each seed row
of DNSW has it's own dedicated band of placed nutrients...and
yet the adjoining band and seed row is moved closer with it's
inside dedicated band....thus the seminals are able to access
two bands of NPS in the first 30 days.
The seed rows
are no longer equilateral. The openers are aligned on different
center lines. The row spacing will have the appearance of paired
row 6/9, 5/10 or 4/11 when a 7.5" drill is used.
Another bonus
results from Cross Row Feeding...Off Row Light Effect. The
plant can absorb more light and yet not interfere with the
adjoining row.
is Off Row Light Effect?
If you raise
corn you know the outside rows of the field margin develop
bigger corn ears and bigger healthier plants...most of the
effect is referred to as Edge Row Effect. Wheat will also do
the same....but there will be more grain and less straw...the
light simply penetrates into the canopy deeper and longer. This
gives a slight yield boost.
advantage of this technique is lower humidity in the canopy.
Thus less foliar disease pressure by venting or reducing
One aspect
that has not been studied is angle of seeding...it would appear
Northwest to Southeast is best. This minimizes shading and keeps
more leaves exposed to sunlight early in the morning and late in
the afternoon. This angle may also apply to Relay Intercrop.
about weed control?
The only
disadvantage is that weed control in crop must be top notch.
The fertility is trapped so well..... that wild oats and
broadleaf weeds never find the placed bands. The wheat feeds and
the weeds starve with this technique.
yields be reduced because of the 5/10 paired row effect?
No, in fact
never, yields tend to be about 5% to 10% higher. In fact with
RTK guidance next years crop can be seeded in the 10 inch dead
band area. Snow Trapping techniques seem to be just as good or
better since the new crop is always between and not in the
stubble. So spring wheat and winter wheat rotations work very
well. Also peas, soybeans, flax, and canola can be seeded in
the dead band area. Cross Row Feeding does not cost an
additional dime in machinery cost....only the labor to change
the machine.
Swathing is
seldom practiced now that producers have the Roundup Harvest
label in short season spring wheat country.....so laying down
grain on standing stubble has become an obsolete and costly
do I set up my Case SDX or Deere 1890 to Cross Row Feed TM ?
Go to
to review the single disc drills. The front and rear gangs of
the single disc machines are rearranged. Setting up the drill
does take some time. But the result is well worth it.
Remember you
will not only set new center lines but you must make sure that
the front opener is delivering nutrients and seed to the inside
in relation to the rear opener. The rear opener must face the
bands of the front opener and seed to the inside of the paired
row, to produce Cross Row Feeding.
You will be
moving openers to accomplish the leverage fertility technique.
But the payback and resulting yields will tell you it was the
right thing to do.
Cross Row Feeding a Patented Method and Process?
Yes it
is....About 1993 .....but as gift from Exactrix we will
license owners of the single disc seeders at no charge....we
will even help with the drill set up drawings to make sure you
understand how significant the technique is. A major financial
investment was made in Cross Row Feeding development with
considerable testing....it is such a simple technique and
totally applicable to Exactrix TAPPS application.
So make sure
you understand....there is no charge....a 5% to 10% yield adder
and a protein advantage....a gift for Exactrix owners raising
high protein quality wheats.
One of the
major keys to make Cross Row Feeding work is to "tame the NH3"
into liquid state at the injection point and to inject the
material with little or no additional soil disturbance.
was Cross Row Feeding discovered?
Like all
major discovers, Radar, Penicillin and Vulcanized Rubber it was
a mistake.....It was never planned. The story includes the
author on a demonstration with a new Yielder drill and the
mistake turned into a major discovery at 30 days, 60 days and
at harvest. Always make sure nobody messes with your drive
sprockets after calibration....the small 40 acre field was
fertilized and seeded twice at half rates. The second pass
was on seeded ground, with tractor compaction, the drill rows
not aligned, in row competition at overlaps... just trying to
find who changed the drill meter drive sprockets made for a long
80 acre day. Bad news when you are trying to make up for lost
time and..... the unplanned event turned into a serendipitous
discovery and really good news at harvest.
What is
the future for top dressed nitrogen fertilizer?
Global Systems LLC 4501 East Trent Ave. Spokane, WA 99212 www.exactrix®.com 509 995 1879 cell, Pacific. exactrix@exactrix.com |