Call your new banker,
Security West Financial.
994-8555 You
can go off the balance sheet and work with the best using the
strength of Farm Credit and others.
John will
help you spend about $40,000 annually to make $150,000 more
annually by spending only $60 per acre in irrigated production
for fertilizer. John understands the cycles of agriculture and
how to keep your balance sheet looking good.
At the
end of five years you will own a powerful machine that
continue to produce good returns having already been paid for
at the end of the first year. You can even apply for your
neighbors with a Mustang Tool Bar.
At 1,000 acres of corn, An internal bottom line savings of
$750,000 over five years on 5,000 acres of corn.
Exactrix Mustang Tool Bar capable of producing $550,000 of
internally available funds in five years.