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X-16  Page 2

Larry Richenberger of “Successful Farming’ goes for a ride in the X-16 with Greg Kreikermeir.
Look for a professional article in the September issue of “Successful Farming”.

When the tool bar width exceeds 40 feet two precision Exactrix Dual Stage manifolds are required. The X-16 is split into two 30 foot wide sections. The Mid Tech 6100 TASC controller automatically reduces the flow in half when one manifold is turned off.

The two Exactrix® accumulator gauges are moved to the cab window to observe equal pressures at both manifolds. This assures they are balanced and fully actuated by the on/off valve. This method is practical and safe since the gauges are reading the dry nitrogen charge of the Exactrix accumulators. The accumulator changes pressure as the NH3 system changes pressure.

Dual 1/4 inch injection lines for each opener produces the best flow characteristics for injecting NH3 above the vapor pressure.

The Freisen tool bar folds up in the corners and lands. The complete bar folds into a transport package from the tractor seat.

The machine can be roaded at 20 mph. The folded bar arrangement allows for easy turning into the next field. 

The approximate transport width is 14 feet. The overall tool bar folded length is approximately 35 feet not including the tank. 

The trailer tanks are bottom outlet which is safer for transport. Bottom outlet valves have long been regarded as the safest method for NH3 tank outlet. 

Top outlet valves are more difficult to fill and open and close. 

Bigger tanks require excellent trailers. The largest tank arrangement in the 250 psi, products of husbandry arrangement is 3,000 gallons. 

Liquid delivery via DOT approved bobtail trailers is practiced in the Western U.S. and may soon be adapted to the Midwest Corn Belt due to improved monitoring and control of the material.



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Exactrix® Global Systems LLC
4501 East Trent Ave.
Spokane, WA 99212
509 995 1879 cell, Pacific.