Don’t Let The Ammonia Oligarchs Grind You Down.
Ammonia is a good buy all the way to $2,000 per ton.
Beat up the Ammonia Oligarchs, 40% off on NH3.
In North
America there is chance to buy and apply NH3 deep in the soil at 40%
less than others.
There is a chance to buy and apply Ammonium Poly Phosphate at 20% to
50% less than others.
And with the Exactrix® bet you can be assured Nitrogen and Phosphate
will be stabilized in place.
Ammonium is
stabilized at 1% CV of 300 psi application using KTS® and Thio-sul®
producing $60 to $150 more net income….a typical change of 12
percent increase in your production margin.
On your
land there is a chance to stabilize Ammonium N allowing fall banding
in tough conditions using simple Thio-Sul® and KTS®.
You can
make micros work. Combined with Ammonium Poly Phosphate, or 10-34-0
you can use low cost Ammoniated Zinc, 16-0-0-20Zn saving up to $5.00
per acre in crop available Zinc.
or K is up to 100 times more effective using a process of Exactrix.
Time proven, KTS will outperform all other sources of K in low pH
or high pH soils and sometimes up to 100 times greater than KCL.
Go to
Get KTS®answers fast. Your next crop needs technology.
It is true
Exactrix pays for itself in the first year in almost every case. You
can buy, You can rent, You can support the technology and make a lot
of money over your farming career.
White and Blue, optional in Green and White.
In 2019,
as land prices rise and ammonia prices rise,
North American producers can retain about $150 per acre more net
margin to buy land or use the Mortgage Lifter of
Don’t send
your hard earned money to Wichita, KS, Deerfield, IL, or Calgary,
Alberta and on to the hedge fund managers like Morgan
Stanley or Jana Partners in New York City.
Pay down
your operating line fast. Impress your banking partner.
Build your
farming family strength in North American crop production and build
an additional 12% cash flow margin showing up in land values right
in river city, in your county.
Keep the
money at home and not in a 45 Trillion Dollar Hedge
Fund loaded up with debt and imperiling our North American Cropping
System and National Security.
Why should
others share in your risk taking and hard work dealing with the
Team up
with your fertilizer dealer and use Exactrix technology.
The world
market NH3 price is $270 per ton at Tampa or NOLA and projected
downward to $230 per ton in January.
1,500 to 2,500 ton per day ammonia plant is right next door
to your farm and you, the producer and less than 80,000 producers,
must pay $565 per ton NH3 and the trade journal says
the retail price is going up.
That means
of lot of money is going in the wrong place and not back into the
land and your farming operation.
Oligarchs fix the price.”
You the producer can make your own weather and bootstrap around the
owners know how to buy it right and apply it right as TAPPS and
With a lot
of help from Land Grant Universities, USDA-ARS and former TVA
scientists, Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS is well understood.
producers have it figured out the business opportunity of Exactrix
TAPPS and NH3.
It takes
Less to Raise More.
“You can
be an innovator on your farm. This is technology like Hybrid corn
was to corn farmers in the 50’s.”
You can
stop $60.00 per acre to $150 per acre from going directly and
immediately to the Oligarchs, year after year.
7 8
It never ends over your 40
year career. You are working for the company store.
As a man
from Tennessee said “16 Tons and What Do You Get?”
People Say A Man Is Made Of Mud.
Sixteen Tons of Number 9 Coal.
Saint Peter Don’t Call Me, I Can’t Go.
I Owe My Soul To The Company Store.
“Fertilizer is always way too expensive, manure included. “
For sure
and often your fertilizer application does not perform well and ends
up in the Gulf of Mexico or Lake Erie.
fertilizer dealers have nothing to do with the price and they cannot
help you or they would have helped you long ago.
fertilizer dealers have had it with Oligarchs also. Fertilizer
dealers want to help but they can’t. They have to
sell what they have got.
The problem is the Oligarchs name the price and maybe by the phase
of the moon always sending the price towards the moon.
The US or the Canadian farmer customer does not name the price in
competitive settings of national and international market where your
grain is headed.
But you can tell the Oligarchs how much you will not use….that
amount will be ½ of what they are proposing that you use.
Fortunately the Oligarchs do not own the patented process of
It is the process that the producers buys deep down inside Exactrix
TAPPS and TAPPKTS systems.
Dodge City. 1 of 5 plants in North America.
Koch is the 2nd largest privately held company in the US
at 115 billion dollars annual sales.
A phenomenal company operated by engineers David and Charles Koch.
Based in Wichita, KS. If it was publicly traded it would 17th
in the Fortune 500. 120,000 employees.
Nitrogen Co. L.P. Woodward, OK, 1 of 2 plants.
Part of CF Industries with 2,900 employees totally dedicated to
fertilizer products of NH3 with 3.65 Billion dollars in annual
CF continues to grow from it’s basic roots as a Coop or Mutual of
An amazing story of growth.
The smallest of firms investing in new NH3 technology
is a good buy all the way to $2,000 per ton. You will just not use
as much of it.”
If you are
a peon in the farming game you will pay the Oligarch’s
outlandish prices. Talk back to Wichita and get on the Exactrix
train to success.
owners state. “I will Never pay twice as much for NH3 as NH4, or
Phosphate again applied and in the ground.”
When it
comes to K. “I can Make Potassium work up to 100 times better than
KCL by deep banding TAPPKTS.”
In North America we have innovators that find a way to raise more
for less, creating wealth for all involved.
You can get help if you ask. It is simply biblical, you can get help
and help yourself if you ask.
We solicit your comments, orders, and inquiries.
Check out all our broadcasts..Click
Frontier Farming Days
Hugoton, KS,
Feb 14 and
Friday, Feb 15, 2019
No-Till Advanced Demonstrations and Seminars.
Meet your peers and supporters of advanced farming technology.
Share information on reduced production costs with yield
Find the “Mortgage Lifter”, a dynamic shift in your profitability.
Meet the bankers that will finance your change to profitability.
Cotton Nutrients reviewed
with biological inputs and SRS.
Making another $150 per irrigated Corn acre with a simple change.
specifically for Advanced No-till farmers.
Stay on the mark at Hugoton.
We guarantee your learning satisfaction. Two key points, Less
Fertilizer, Less Seed.
Hands on with the most advanced equipment and genetics.
Shoulder to shoulder with the bankers, the scientists, and the
Scientists and producers will confirm your chances for placing a
good bet.
TAPPS, TAPPKTS, Ferrilene Nutrient Management under No-till using
single disc openers and SRS injection.
Running in the field with new and advanced designs…you can feel
the cloth.
Pick your
day….or come for 2 days…with a rotation of advanced speakers and
Each Day
is different.
A chance
to test application machinery, your peers and the scientists that
lead in No-tillage nutrient application.
Hugoton Golf Course at the Airport. Shuttle available. Thursday
Feb. 14 seminar and field demonstrations.
Hugoton Golf Course at the Airport. Shuttle available. Friday Feb
15 seminar and field demonstrations.
A bargain at $550 for two days and includes lunches, personalized
training, skill development, and technical papers.
Early registration saves $200 extended thru Jan. 28, 18. January
5 to 15 2019 Registration is recommended for family groups.
Rooms available at $85.00 to $95.00 per night at the Best Western
in Hugoton.
If you need complete registration information, Speakers and
Itinerary contact Exactrix.
Exactrix Global Systems.
509-995-1879 or
Coronado had no clue on the Santa Fe.
Weather and Testing at Hugoton, Frontier No-till
Farming Days, in the heart of the Dust
McClure, Kramer Seed and Exactrix with Rubisco, TKI,
Channel, and others supporting.
you did not know.
Along the
Cimarron River in Sunny Southwestern Kansas you can farm year around
and apply Anhydrous Ammonia 12 months out the year.
Feb. 14 and 15, 2019,_Kansas
Hugoton in
1891, Home of Largest Gas Field in the Western Hemisphere and second
in the world.
Pickens success story had a great boost from the Hugoton Gas
Field and the formation of Mesa Limited Partners.
is the county seat of Stevens County, Stevens County has one of
highest gross receipts of any Kansas county. Tremendous wealth has
been generated and the history of last Buffalo herd on the
Cimarron in 1886.
next to lawless Indian Territory known as Oklahoma
where “No Man’s Land” played a big role with a few hanging events
for sure as the west was settled.
pivot country with Sandy Soils and high pH at 7.5 to 8.5
and in 1920 where tractor implemented tillage was
thought to bring the rain. Where KSU and the USDA was wrong most
of the time until technology whipped the problem of farming with
the wind.
the Cimarron River was the Dry Santa Fe Trail which started in
1821 and ran to the 1880s. The greatest and longest running trail
of the west. The most critical transportation corridor of the
Mexican war went down this rutted monster of a pass through La
Joranada, the Journey of the Great American desert.
Strong Smith was murdered at Wagon Bed Springs of
the Cimarron within 10 miles of Hugoton by Cheyenne or Comanche
Indians in 1831. Wagon Bed Spring is famous for the murder of
Strong Smith who could wrestle a Grizzly Bear and walk away.
In fact,
The Northern New Spain Territories,
Conquistador and Governor Francisco V. Coronado in search of the
“7 Lost Cities of Gold” known as El Dorado, passed within 32
miles of Hugoton in 1542 on his return from gold-less and
silver-less Abilene, Kansas to the Pueblos of New Mexico and back
to New Spain and Mexico City. The Indians “ the Turk” set him up
for an end of career disaster. The Conquistadors cruel death of
the Pueblo Indians in El Dorado was resounding failure and
disaster on him as well. He was a broken man and Francisco V.
Coronado died at age 44 in Mexico City of a contagious disease
Why is
Hugoton so well known? Here comes the Dust of Kansas setting up an
American Disaster that must never be repeated. Some of that soil
ended up on the US Capitol steps in Washington DC.
Hagen of Gunsmoke in Dodge City was
the son of the Sherriff at Lamar, Colorado on the Arkansas River
which is just 2 hours away. Festus or Ken Curtis also sang for
the Sons of the Pioneers and supported John Wayne in several 50’s
and 60’s movies like the Searchers and Rio Bravo. The west was
real and slipped away by 1886 when General Sheridan made sure
there was no more buffalo.
In 1928
the new tractor salesman took horses
in trade and hoodwinked a whole generation farmers into tillage
and the set up the “Dust Bowl” and the Dirty Thirties. Today you
can buy a 520 horsepower, track type belted tractor, A JD 9520
and No till row crop with 60 foot machinery, semi
mounted to the tractor operating in a No-till system. Welcome
You will
soon discover the most amazing Agricultural Base in the World…At
Hugoton to Garden City KS farming is intense at 5:00 AM . More
intense than you can believe and 24/7.
The wealthiest counties in SW Kansas. Stevens, Finney, Kearney,
Hamilton, Seward, Meade, Ford, Haskell, Grant, Scott, Wichita.
Guess how many Cows are on feed? Current total of
all cows on feed is 12.5 million. Herd size is big at 105 million
and the most admired cattle genetics in the world. Does corn have a
premium over Chicago?
What other
crops pay big in this part of the world? Can Soybeans
hit 100 bushels per acre on high pH soils? You bet they can.
Soybeans may soon out compete Cotton.
Our weather
for Hugoton and Exactrix® Frontier Farming Days is
predicted to be ideal for TAPPS and TAPPKTS Mustang Banding and
operating Exactrix SRS on the planters.
Kansas, Stevens County is ideal for two days of learning about
advanced No-till. The soils typically do not freeze this time of the
year allowing deep banding to 7 to 8 inch depths.
- We have a
10% or less chance of rain of no more the .38 inches of
precipitation for the month. This is an ideal site for operating
advanced equipment with Headquarters at the Golf Course and the
Airport close by. Your room is located at the east side of Hugoton
in a new Best Western Motel.
1-620-544-7766, Robin will answer. Rooms are typically
$85 to $95 per night in this new Motel.
- The
Temperature projected to be 29 to 32 degrees for a low at night…..and
typically highs in the day with be 55 to 65 degrees on
February 14 and 15.
- We will be
operating the SRS Planters with 50 to 100 gallons
per acre injection water and the NH3, TAPPS
Formulator Mustang Tool Bars in the afternoons.
- It will be
windy at about 15 to 20 mph typically. A good spray day in Hugoton
is often found with variable winds pulsing to 20 mph and out of
the north or the west and seldom from the east or South east.
Scientists and
Machinery Engineers like, Jim Schepers, USDA-ARS-Lincoln, Larry
Murphy, FFF and historian, Bert Bock, TKI,
AJ Foster, KSU/Lamb Weston Travis Miller, Texas
A and M.
engineers and experts, Guy Swanson, Exactrix and Paul
Jasa UNLCE will be present.
Others include
Jim Talbert from Helena regarding Ferrilene®,
Brian Caldbeck of Rubisco regarding Winter and Great
Plains adaptable Spring Canola.
Troy Coen of
Exactrix, Ben McClure of Kramer Seed and
Joel and Jay McClure of Bumper Flats Testing,
will help host the
Lanny Faliede
Sat Shot will attend[Guy] and
will explain prescriptions and how to gather information and write
for your GS-3, Trimble or Ag Leader.
How do they
do that?
Find out how
it is done. The ultimate, massive and informative field maps are
made across the continent. Aaron will explain.
Aaron Schepers
will bring his Aerial Photography Plane with the worlds most
advanced Microsoft camera.
We are also
planning on some help from Channel regarding soybean
varieties. Cotton discussions and presentation with Mycorrhiza will
also be carried out.
The ground
will not be frozen. The soil is a sandy silt loam…and the soil
profile is totally saturated with above normal rainfall through
December and early January.
We will be
operating two Exactrix Mustang tool bars and planter SRS on Corn
Stover, Winter Wheat, Winter Canola, Coastal Bermuda Grass and
We will be
putting in test plots with the help of TKI and Kansas State
We will set up
plots for KTS and corn production.
Another series
of Plots will be utilized to test Coast Bermuda Grass, Can we
fertilize the crop for three years using advanced deep banding. How
long can we go? Going for 10 ton yields using Rotational Band
Loading and No-tillage, at 300 lbs. N as NH3, 20 gallons of
APP and 30 gallons of KTS with Micros. Banding costs reduced for a 3
year plan of Coastal Bermuda in the 5 to 10 ton range.
We will test Alfalfa and
find out how much APP and KTS can be banded economical to improve
yields in Alfalfa and maintain older stands. Are 15 inch bands fine
or should 7.5 or 10 inch bands be implemented.
Rated in
the top ten agricultural websites in North America.
For producers who want to learn
more about increasing crop production, we
provide some good answers in the Exactrix
Video |
Meeting your
formulation needs.
Need more information on
advanced crop production.
Picking your metering
Click HERE to read more about the
Deere Exactrix Wing Injection System
18 |
19 |
20 |
Start Ski Season Early in North Dakota
USDA-ARS, Single Disc Tool Bar at Walla Walla.
Schmit Brothers, Osmond, Neb |
Your Great Plains Reporter.

Guy Swanson.