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Case SDX News, The Best Case can offer
when banding 15 inch in No-till.
This year he will offer his 30 foot tool bar into the market place.
30 ft SDX Rental at $16.00 per acre. 1,000 acres or greater. Easy to move. This is one of best machines for Kansas producers in the 3,000 acre range. 15 inch band centers. This has been a very popular machine in Kansas with15 inch banding for improved yields in all commercial crops in Kansas. Ideal for winter wheat and milo and key to top yields using TAPPKTS. Contact Lance Rezac - or 785-458-9548 Case SDX-30 foot on 15 inch centers with a single central manifold. Lance grew his operation with the Exactrix since 2008 and in 2017 he is going bigger with more acres and sticking with the Case SDX. The SDX bands about 4 inches in depth. The SDX applies TAPPS in dual product Injection at speeds to 8 mph without tillage. Has Martin Closing wheels. The SDX can handle large amounts of residue. Qty. 24 openers at the back gang with SDX Scrapers in pattern 2.27. Qty. 48 openers installed with 24 acting as choppers or counterweight on the front gang. TAPPS formulator will move $60.00 to $150.00 more net income to the bottom line. No-tillage application of TAPPS nutrients. Wamego, KS along the Kansas River. As a reference. Where does this machine stand in the market place? With 8 years of service. Setting up into a new Case SDX-30 in similar design at Otis, Kansas using 2KC series 2 Weigh Master and 2KPT TAPPS formulator with a 2010 SDX came in at $135,000 to $145,000. New certified rebuild warranty on the Exactrix TAPPS formulator. New Scrapers in Series 600E. Setting up with a newer SDX at $40,000 for a 40 foot in Dual section shows an invoice amount of $155,000 to $165,000. Setting up a new TAPPS Mustang Tool Bar at 30 feet on 15 inch is $235,000 and at 40 feet $275,000 banding at 7 inch depth at speeds to 12 mph. The Mustang tool bars are rated at 9,000 to 15,000 acres before rebuild in 30 foot widths….and double that in 60 foot widths. Lance Rezac in 2016, Last year of service for the 30 foot SDX, very successful and it was replaced with a 40 foot Case SDX tool bar. A dual section 40 foot, 32 opener, Series 600E Exactrix 2KC Weigh Master and 2KP TAPPS formulator replaced the 30 foot SDX with Mid-Tech 6200 control. Deere GS-3 control was implemented on Lance’s new SDX-40 on 15 inch centers. Allow VRT-Site Specific to be applied. Tractor and trailer not included. Comes with Mid-Tech Control and Gauge Panel. Exactrix 2KF piston pump with accumulator manifold in 24 port, 2008. Recently rebuilt 2KF, Dempster E-6 pump, was upgraded into current specifications. New 2KC sliding vane pump can also be used and set up in dual section. Comes with Technical Manual and Exactrix field support across the Great Plains. 2KP, Tongue
Mount, Single central manifold.
2KP -300 at 15 gpm, Hypro 3 cylinder pump. Tee Jet, paddle type Flowmeter, Tee Jet ball valve, Hydraulic flow control valve at 5 gpm with small J series motor. 2007 production. 2KP TAPPS formulator dual filter system. Electronic Pressure Gauge Panel. 4 gauge, used to confirm pump tach speeds and pressures. Dual Product, TASC 6200, Mid-Tech, Spraying Systems. A popular controller prior to the Can-Bus revolution. Pattern 2.27. Dual product Injection. NH3 first, APP/ATS second. The SDX original scraper is removed. A heavier stainless steel spring is added and the release point is moved back about 2 inches. Virtually no soil disturbance with this opener. Injectors in the pattern of 2.27. Large insert available for big acres as Series 600E. Heavy duty hitch pulls the track cart with dual tanks. 1,000 gallon stainless steel liquid tank Many more years of good service can be achieved with this machine. Very unique design and a power play for a young farmer looking for a lot more net income in No-tillage farming. Ideal for side dress of winter wheat in Feb and March. A good machine for Milo pre-plant. Has produced very good yields in irrigatged and dryland corn at Wamego. Get approved by Exactrix Agronomy Department, Submit your credit application. Exactrix will pay you for the test plots, $1,000 per plot as many complete field rotations as you want. Order a field support kit and tackle box and go to the field with training from Exactrix Field Technical Department. Remember, No-tillage always produces the highest Yield Potential in corn, wheat and cotton. Strip Till
Comparisons in selection of nutrient amount for top yields.
Meeting your formulation needs. your metering systems. more information on advanced crop production.
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