Return To Main Page Kansas Has A Famous No-Till Field Full of Mustangs. At 28 years of continuous No-till, On Ute Road. A vanguard of infamy in rolling Kansas the very far western edge of The Flint Hills. Kansas Leads The Nation In No-Tillage Farming’s Rapid Expansion. How can that be true? Summary: On Dec. 12,
2019, Southwest of Clay Center, KS 15 miles and close to Hwy 81, 4 lane,
Northeast 14 miles of Minneapolis, KS, Kyle Cott is able to take out CRP
grass land without burning and with No-tillage leaving the moisture
absorbing sod cap. This is a mixed area of cattle ranching and grain
cropping. Using a winter wheat, soybean, double crop soybean and a high
yielding Milo rotation he has been able to turn the land highly productive
based on land values and Conservation Reserve rating for the land. Other
crops that may work well include perennials such as Alfalfa and Grassland
Hay. Kyle and Mark Lippe are working together on this beautiful Kansas day
applying Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS for the upcoming spring Milo crop.
Kyle has raised some excellent dryland Milo crops with Exactrix Mustangs
An overview video to introduce you to Kansas farming conditions.
Mark Lippe of Cott Family Farms, Clay Center, Kansas.
Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS formulators in Kansas Conditions.
“Mark Lippe is the
wrangler in charge of his Remuda of Mustangs. What a ride it was.”
The Smiley Man. Changing Tanks after 80 acres.
A famous No-Tillage field in Kansas, Ute Road, Kyle Cott, 20 years of CRP followed by 8 years of No-tillage complete with Double Crop. The 400 acre parcel is complete with CRP, Grass Waterways and Terraces. Very powerful economics are demonstrated with Exactrix Technology and top notch management from Kyle Cott. No-tillage no doubt is driving yields higher and double crop is possible. Kansas has advanced technology and Exactrix allows top performance with the production margin is close. In 2020 Milo follows Double Crop Soybeans on Winter Wheat for 2019. The first two cash crops of the CRP take out crops were two years of continuous soybeans. The surrounding area is CRP rich and headed back into pasture or hay ground at current commodity prices. The excellent 28 year Sod cap remains in place allowing moisture to move directly into the root zone in the more natural untilled soils. The SCS designed terraces remain in place. This is not a smooth 10 to 12 mph field due to the terraces and waterways. The manageable speed is about 7 mph at 45 feet or .6363 acres per minute. The field layout would allow about 240 (3 fills) to 320 acres per 12 hour day with 4 fills (30 minutes) at 80 acres each. Mustang, Tango, Foxtrot in Kansas, Mustang 4515 in 5 section, 28 years of No-till. The Video is 22 seconds, An upper and smaller field of winter wheat that was not double cropped. The Dec. 12, 2019 pictures shows 28 years of continuous No-till with Fall Banding of TAPPS for No-till Milo production in 2020. Some of the highest dryland yields in No-till Milo have occurred around Clay Center, KS. The yields have been in the 180 bu. per acre in dryland No-tillage with Exactrix TAPPKTS plus Ammoniated Zinc, Mn and other metals. Other programs include TAPPS(KCL). KCL is now dropped in favor of KTS. The work load is based on Fall banding on 15 inch centers, TAPPS at depths to 8 inches with Mustang P-51CUE openers with 26 inch x ½ inch blades. Positive Down Pressure is applied to the five section machine. The tool bar follows the irregular terrace angles very well. The tool bar is 7 x 7, is also known as the TC Tool Bar of Philips, NE. A 31 second Video, Filling with liquid fertilizer. Winter Wheat Residue from 2019. Mark Lippe is in charge of
Field Operations for Cott Farms. Surrounded by CRP in all directions. Double Crop Soybean and Winter Wheat residue. Is the Swiveling feature of Mustang Openers, P-51CUE series, highly functional?
Banding into a “Sod Cap”. An ideal chance to improve yields and
allow double cropping. The great promise of the CRP soils is the ”Sod Cap”
for even moisture infiltration, The Soil Colloids Uniformity, The
Compaction is Minimized and No Carryover Chemicals.
Mustang Tool Bar is high lift and allows ease of access.
Yielder Single Disc Blades in 26 inch diameter banding to 8 inch depths. P-51CUE openers are built for extra endurance. TAPPKTS, Tri Ammonium Poly
Phosphate Potassium Thio-Sulfate.
TVA involvement, No Federal US Government funding required.
Rotational Band Loading allows future crops to access N, P, K and two types of S in the balanced band of TAPPKTS. Applied at 1%CV at pressures to 300 psi. Your Training is important, Why Liquid Streaming Flows are superior?. RBL, How does it work? Nutrient Bands placed deep in the soil remain available for future crops by means Crystalline TAPPS and TAPPKTS.
pit Stop on Ute Road….20 to 30 minutes.
Hooking up to NH3 trailer tank.
A Video of 3 minutes and 46 seconds.
Tillage era terraces from the 50”s and 60’s of the SCS are not limiting with Exactrix Mustang openers. Swiveling Mustang openers banding at 8 inch depths operate in unison climbing straight up and over terraces of the central Kansas plain. This is home to the Pawnee prior to Kansas becoming a state. Due South at Abilene to Lyons, KS is Quivira or the terminal point of the 1542 conquestor expedition of Coronado. In search of El Dorado his career came to an end when he garroted his Pueblo native guide,Turk. Turk had led Coronado on a ruse to protect his homeland and his Pueblo families.
CRP remains a $1.9 billion program…at 21 million acres. Bringing CRP back into production has powerful economics in No-tillage production systems….and often allowing double cropping with a “Sod Cap”.
The 2019 Corn Production Margin Got Bigger. Hybrid Corn Yields crowd 300 bushels per acre.
Winter Wheat Yields Outstanding, 2.5 crops in one year.
Yields were120 bu to 130 bu./a. No commercial NPKS or micros fertilizer types were applied to this crop due super saturated soils and poor market prices for wheat. No TAPPS or TAPPKS was applied to the 2019 crop. The residual Mustang deep bands of TAPPS in No-tillage from 2013 thru 2018 (6 crops) developed the unbelievable crop with abnormal rainfall. A fungicide treatment was made in late April with a small of amount of solution 32 included. The sprayer tracked up the field. Exactrix No-Tillage Rotational Band Loading of 6 years of dryland wheat and corn supported the highest field wide yields ever generated along the Arkansas River at Deerfield KS. The record yield required twice as many combines, bank-out wagons and trucks to haul wheat about 10 miles. The wheat crop came off the 7,000 acres in record time fighting tornados and hail all the way to the bin. At the last 90% of the acres the race was won, harvest production was reduced to two combines. At the end with 10% acres left to go the two extra combines and stripper headers were sold back into the harvest machinery market to allow other Kansas farmers access to the stripper machines.
Check out Casey Sower at Triple G Partners banding TAPPS. Read
About Joe,
About Eric,
Kevin Shapland, Gary Dick, Ulysses, KS, Alfalfa Recovery, 7th year full alfalfa recovery of yield in depleted stands. TAPPKTS, Micros, Kugler Custom. Read About Gary Dick and Kevin, Liquid Fertilizer.
Study Tom Fairweather’s hard work in developing a Potassium Thio-sulfate. Pastureland Management.
Improving Pasture land to high carrying capacity with returns that beat irrigated corn production returns every time. Banding into Hybridized Coastal Bermuda Grass Production with Mustang TAPPKTS plus micros. Why is Nebraska off 10% of typical yields? Why did Kansas become dominant in high yield? Why did Idaho prove up outstanding brewing barley? Exactrix® Rotational Band Loading was the major contributor to very high yields with No-tillage. Exactrix® TAPPS and TAPPKTS plus micros certainly helped prove the weather was a very big factor. Exactrix® proves again and again in No-till soils….… Less is More. Why does Exactrix® TAPPKTS with micros always outperform solution 32-0-0 and or dry NPKS in yield and economic performance? Do not miss out. Maintain your edge in the game of production. Your major advantage is liquid injection of NH3 at pressures to 300 psi into streaming flows of APP, KTS® and micros. Here is your answer. The Great Evener of Profitability….The Weather is the single biggest uncontrolled input…in irrigation or dryland Exactrix NH3 assures the best margin in good weather or bad weather. Good Weather, Bad Weather, Exactrix® TAPPKTS with micros moves more money to the bottom line. That means the Exactrix® generated low rate application with crystallization for stability is powerful allowing fall banding. The low investment rate in nutrients wins every time because it is more crop available with Exactrix Mass Flow. The yield curve comes up fast and allows higher yields in tough weather…..and also less is invested. There are more net dollars and better production margins when Exactrix® NH3 is the primary nitrogen source forming 1% CV TAPPKTS at band depths of 7 to 8 inches. In all commodity crops across Canada, The USA and even Mexico…Exactrix® NH3 is always the best choice in crop production. All farm sizes work well with Exactrix NH3. Across North America, producers that have Exactrix greet the banker with a smile. There is always more margin and a lot less risk with Exactrix® TAPPKTS with micros. Some producers have very large farms and meet or exceed their expectations with Exactrix Mustang tool bars. At $65 to $70 per acre for all nutrients… for year 2020 fall banding is very economical. The budget is made with 125 lbs. N as NH3 with $26.00 of NH3 and 20 lbs. P, 20 lbs. K and 15 lbs. S at $35 and $5.00 for AZn and Micros. About 7% to 8% of the gross for nutrients in irrigated production…..and another 6% to 8% for yield punch….That is a 12% to 15% improved net margin. Up to $150 more net income in irrigated production and $60 more net income in dryland corn. Exactrix® producers are generally larger and enjoy a better farming career when costs are reduced with No-tillage. Exactrix® solves the nutrient management problem. No other technique is more accepted than 7 to 8 inch Mustang Banding by some of largest and best producers in USA and Canada.
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