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your good neighbor.
Harvesting and Banding Coastal Bermuda Grass.
True News,
$19 of VRT Exactrix TAPPKTS Nutrients with P-51C Mustangs brings 47 bu./A
Winter Hawk Winter Wheat….Nutrient Investment? Best ever reported at 40
cents per bushel. Test Weight 65.4 lbs.
Sat-Shot Mapping helps.
Discussions on the new Binary Banding Technology. Go deep and go fast with sub 1 inch accuracy. Click here for full video . Check out Binary Banding the massive but delicate process of applying nutrients at 1% CV in deep bands. Go deep to 8 inch depths formulating bands of TAPPKTS with micros. Ideal for tap rooted crops like Soybean, Seed Corn, Winter Canola, Spring Canola, and specialty crops potato and sugar beet. Deeper bands is key word at 1% CV of application. Confirming highest yields with placed NPKS at 8 inch depths. In the field with the producers, Banding and Harvesting the same day at Hugoton. A 48 year timeline as Hybrid Winter Canola, Hybrid Wheat, Hybridized Seed Corn and Hybrid Coastal Bermuda get special attention. Click here for full video . Check out Binary Banding the massive but delicate process of applying nutrients at 1% CV in deep bands.
Raising the Hybrid Grass yield potential to the max (16 tons) at 1/3 the
nutrient cost.
Exactrix Mustang Tool Bars, side dressing winter wheat and Hybrid Coastal
Bermuda Grass.
KTS® is
considered critical to top yields on sandy pivots of SW Kansas.
A Yielder Mustang 3015 with positive down pressure wings and lift
A high clearance tool bar for established producers.
High visibility from the cab. Lowest possible soil disturbance with Exactrix TAPPKTS 1% CV vermiculated bands placed 7 inch to 8 inch depth.
Hybridized Coastal Bermuda Grass. Irrigated production allows
outstanding economics for Cow Calf Pairs.
Sandy soils are ideal for Mustang banding. A powerful case for
Coastal Bermuda Grass hybridized. Late start Fall Wheat, Banded TAPPKTS, No-tillage under sandy soil conditions.
Row Cropping,
Additional Technology at Hugoton, KS.
Just Like Hybrid Winter Canola, Hybrid Winter Wheat Fits 20 inch Planter Spacing. Corn, Wheat, Triticale, Winter Canola, Cotton on 40, is getting more acceptance for high yields and low cost production and SRS helps.
April 14, 2019. Hugoton, KS. Is there a difference planting Winter Wheat vs Seeding Winter wheat using two common types of drill and planter?
Does the population of Winter Wheat make a difference at a per acre rate of 15 lbs. or 180,000 population compared to 30 lbs. or 360,000 per acre population? Does planting on 10 inch with two passes at 180,000 equaling 360,000 per acre population make a difference compared to 20 inch planted spacing at 360,000 per acre population? Along the Cimarron River on sandy soils, you can observe 10 different row spacing and populations, with SRS plots of Winter Wheat following Hybrid Corn. Planted September of 2018 with TAM 111, Winter Wheat. At Hugoton, at Bumper Flats along the Cimarron, No fertilizer was applied ahead or side dressed into the crop with TAPPS or TAPPKTS. The Winter Wheat leaves have a bronze color from the application of Ally and Solution 32-0-0 at 5 gallons per acre about 1 week prior timeline with freezing nights to follow the application of herbicide and fertilizer over the top. The weed control was highest quality in observations and row to row consistint and each plot inspection. The TAM 111 Populations are 180,000 per acre and 360,000 per acre planted or drilled. A Great Plains semi-mounted Box Drill on 30 feet on 10 inch spacing at 30 feet is compared to a Deere NT 1790 Planter on 20 inch at 40 feet or commonly referred to as 24 row/20. The Deere Planter was also set up with Seed Row Saturation or SRS at 50 gallons per acre following Exactrix Guidelines.
Planted at 360,000 Population on 20 inch, Deere 1790 using Double Disc
Openers. This Great Plains visit along the Cimarron River provides an significant visual effect of Jethro Tull’s 1700’s discovery of Horse Hoe Husbandry, this discovery is carried beyond drills by Jay and Joel McClure and on to planters and much higher levels of precision of seed placement. A similar effect can also be observed with Hill Planting. A similar discovery was made with the Yielder Drill of the 80’s. Notes on Drill and Planter development. What did Joel and Jay McClure discover that Jethro Tull also discovered in England around 1700 to 1741, the New Husbandry of Hoe Rows was implemented to the land?
PG Farms at Shelton, NE raises corn yields in the 280 to 290 bushel range using a precision Deere Planter. The Head Row Spacing…of barley is shown….about .6 inches apart appears to be about right in practice…or 360,000 population on 20 inch row spacing. The hybrid Corn seed is expensive and must be accurately spaced to allow roots to develop rapidly and light to be absorbed efficiently on 30 inch row spacing. Small grains like winter wheat and brewing barley are spaced a lot differently.
Jethro Tull (1674 – 21 February 1741, Circa 1731 Tull's book upon husbandry also influenced cotton culture in the American Southern Colonies. Tull's system taught that to ensure a sufficient number of plants, they did not just need to increase the quantity of seed, but to plant the seed at regular distances.
The Seed Drill
His finished seed drill included a hopper to store the seed, a cylinder to
move it, and a funnel to direct it. A plow at the front created the row,
and a harrow at the back covered the seed with soil. It was the first
agricultural machine with moving parts. It started as a one-man, one-row
device, but later designs sowed seeds in three uniform rows, had wheels,
and were drawn by horses. Joel and Jay McClure go well beyond Jethro Tull and find the rest of the story. The McClure Family is famous for advancements in crop production. The inside track says that Hybrid Winter Wheat from Syngenta is real and will be available in the next few years. Therefore lessons learned in the past with Cargill Bounty Hybrid Wheat requires planting wheat at economically reasonable seed rates (360,000) and use of Seed Row Saturation for a near perfect emergence. Every wheat seed marches into the light of Great Plains by flushing the Abscisic Acid (Steeping Action) and conjoining the moisture line from the top of the seed trench to the 50% vapor phase moisture line. Dr. Walter McClure is an Oklahoma State plant breeder of Milo during it’s adaption to the Great Plains in the 60’s. Jay McClure is Walter’s Grandson and is charge of the test plots at Hugoton. KS. Water Injection, A form of SRS was carried with Milo in the 60’s with deep furrow planting of Milo.
April 14,
19 20 inch planted rows at 360,000 population. The seed germinates evenly and the race begins. The seminal roots race for moisture and nutrients…going deeper and faster than seed that is not correctly spaced or wide spaced…too close together and too far apart the race is not going to happen.
spacing in tight rows is about the same as the seed spacing in a head of
wheat….about .5 to .6 inches apart.
20 inch wheat at 19 inches in height. Bronze color is damage from
Solution 32-0-0. Leaf burn with over the top application.
This 20 inch vs. 10 inch planted in two passes. Notice the Rotational 20 inch Bands in the 10 inch row spacing. This is 360,000 or 2 times 180,000 population planted winter wheat is not present in the single pass, 20 inch planted 360,000 population spacing. The roots are deeper in the 20 inch rows. How so…because the wide spacing 20 inch Mustang, deep placed, TAPPS bands are not observable from Corn production of the previous year or Rotational Band Loading. Better roots on the 20 inch rows for sure. The 20 inch rows are healthier than the 10 inch wheat planted twice at half rate and equaling 360,000 population.
Rotational Bands from 20 inch spacing of TAPPS in the previous 2018 corn
production. A great discovery for McClure and Son, Planted Rows on 20 inch have better roots with no previous years banding effects. The roots on 20 inch are explorers of the soil depth and width.
area between the 10 inch rows is lighter and about 5 to 8 inches wide
visually indicating lack of root development. Double Planted 10 inch, 188,000 population per pass or 360,000, April 14, 19. Right next to the 10 inch double planted shown above is the 20 inch rows. A great discovery and highly comparable in this plot work….The 10 inch 40 foot wide plot is offset 10 inch and is planted twice at 180,000 with a planter or 360,000 population. The 10 inch planted ( 20 inch planter offset 10 inch in the second pass) is about a good stand but shorter by about 4 to 7 inches and slightly lighter in color. This is somewhere between believable, probable and most likely , a great chance to boost yields with a 20 inch planter. Hill planting can produce similar results using heads of winter wheat in the late fall. This is another story for another time and well explained at JD. Logan, Dick Lloyd and an Idaho Planter Breeder that discovered Head Rows out yield rows of winter wheat of the same breeder stock with a conventional drill techniques. Barley will do the same. There is an optimum combination of in the row spacing of winter wheat and barely spring or winter using double disc openers that organize the seed in tight narrow rows. The McClure story is also related to 7.5 to 8.5 pH soils, Calcareous soils eroded by the Dust Bowl of the “Dirty Thirties”.
How TAPPS and TAPPKTS works. Is Rotational Band Loading a big deal? Calcium is a metal, Magnesium, Aluminum, and Manganese are Metals stored in all soils and interfere with nutrient efficiency in low pH Metals in the soil sequester Phosphate. When APP,ATS or Thio-Sul®, KTS® is triple super ammoniated with NH3, soil metals like calcium at high pH cannot sequester placed P and that placed TAPPS or TAPPKTS remains crop available for future crops. Visual nutrient placement of bands in three following crops is observed in almost all cases. The same is true at low pH soils as discovered by Oklahoma State and Washington State University. Metals like aluminum and manganese tie up Phosphate at low pH. Sandy soils are very sensitive to a drop in pH. Thus if the bands are placed deep in the profile at 6 to 9 inch depth the bands remain available for future crops. Rotation Band Loading is the result. When producers have soils that have high variability in pH, Calcareous Soils or Sandy soils have high variability in pH, Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS works in a superior manner. Application rates of phosphate are reduced from 100 lbs. of P per acre to 20 lbs. per acre as TAPPS and TAPPKTS and yields go up due to the 1% CV or uniformity of application. Now KTS can be implemented economically with a great leap ahead for all producers. Potassium Thio-Sulfate, KTS® is up to 100 times more effective than KCL due to the unfavorable chloride carrier. This often results in $150 per acre more net income in irrigated corn production using TAPPKTS with micros in crystallized format of Exactrix.
Sandy Soils have a chance, finally a chance to break yield barriers all
the way to 300 bushels per acre with TAPPKTS.
Hill planting works, Plant Breeders know that Hill planting crowds the seed and drives survival of the plant.
planting was mechanized by Dick Llyod and JD Logan. Lewiston, Idaho and
Pullman Washington.
Spring Barley Roots compete and race deep fast for moisture and upward go the barley shoots for light….a very effective means in increasing yields is planting spring barley at 12 to 16 high quality seed berries in small area of about 2 inches of lineal length. A patented was granted to JD Logan, Dick Llyod and an Idaho Plant Breeder for equipment and apparatus.
Your Great Plains Reporter. A Bonus Report: A 46
year History of No-tillage production and unique openers in winter wheat
and spring wheat. The Early Years of No-till and the phase out of the plow and tillage system. A major discovery in economics. When tractors and tillage became the norm of the Great Plains and West of the Continental Divide, circa 1930. More seed rows were implemented to control erosion. Loss of Alfalfa in the rotation was also a major reason more seed rows were needed to control erosion. Fewer seed rows can only be used effectively with No-Tillage Techniques developed in the early 70’s. This is because erosion control becomes easy in No-till and commercial fertilizer could be used much more effectively. When commercial fertilizer was utilized the fertilizer complicated the problem since weeds could find the placed and broadcast commercial nutrients and it was thought that more seed rows would out-compete the weeds. This was a natural way of thinking but wrong. More seed rows made the problem worse since the straw to grain ratio changed for the worse. Too much straw and not enough grain. The horses were gone and straw became a liability in rotations. Short statured wheats were developed but even they developed too much straw when fertilized. It was discovered in 1974 to 1979 that fewer seed rows (both 9 inch and 18 inch were studied) produced higher yields because No-tillage seed roots were more thrifty with commercial inputs. Thus No-tillage Seminal Pairs of Roots were further investigated by Dr. Betty Klepper and Dr. Jim Cook, both ARS scientists at Pendleton and Pullman. Producers in No-till reported that No-till allowed roots to grow deeper and faster since the soil was warmer in the winter. Yes Sir, The No-tillage winter wheat roots elongated and grew deeper and faster. Due to No-till the roots were healthier (virtually no cercosporella root rot) when seed was spaced evenly and closely inside specialized No-tillage offset leading double disc seed openers. Since 1982, Psuedocercosporella, Strawbreaker footrot or eyespot has become a disease of tillage, No-till acres leaped ahead when producers discovered that Strawbreaker or Eyespot could be controlled or economically reduced if tillage was stopped. Dangerous chemical products designed to kill soil life were implemented in tillage systems in the 80’s. These products as Mertec (mercury based) and Topsin were eventually declared as too dangerous for the soil life and mankind. Tillage was the problem and No-tillage was the solution. Why are openers key to high yields? These first true No-tillage openers were developed and commercialized by Mort and Guy Swanson as the Yielder Drill. The openers actually metered the seed into the soil. A special document is available that explains how this metering seed opener drove seedling health and root development much faster. Ironically the opener blades came from plow coulters with Timken® bearings. Plow Coulters invented the Yielder Drill, how can that be true? There is more to that story. Most of the Swanson Seed Metering Offset Leading opener and seed metering research was carried out with the USDA 1 Drill, Dr. Verlan Cochran and Dr. Roland Shirman, a weed scientist were the investigators of why this leading disc metering opener worked so well. When fertilizer placement drills (Pioneer and Yielder Drills) were implemented in 1980 the rules changed again. Fewer seed rows produced higher yields in winter wheat and better profits resulted because only the crop could find the fertilizer in paired row systems of 5/15 and 5/10. If fertilizer could be trapped in Paired rows of 5/15 spacing yields could be increased to record levels, and in some cases yields doubled in winter wheat and spring wheat from the 1985 to 2005 period. One Walla Walla Washington field of dryland Yielder® seeded winter wheat field averaged 165 bushels per acre in dryland and some Yielder® seeded Oregon fields reached 185 bushels per acre in smaller high rainfall fields of the Willamette Valley. The weeds would suffer and the crop would flourish attaining 33% to 100% higher per acre yields in 10 inch average row spacing and 15 inch spacing would produce similar results. Weeds became easier to control when they were not fertilized. The weeds were not allowed to access commercial and concentrated NPK and S geospatial bands located positionally to indexed seed rows for seminal root access. Steptoe Butte in the background, “Old Yeller” in 1978 on 18 inch spacing, Urea application, in Palouse Conditions.
Steptoe is a geological term and shown in the foothills of the western
slope of the Rocky Mountains. Old Yeller was a fertilizer applicator of Nitrate and later a Urea top dressing system that became obsolete when the Yielder Drill was developed.
Cheat Grass and Wild Oats go to exponential growth rates with top dressed
Meeting your formulation needs. your metering systems. more information on advanced crop production.
For More Information:
509.254 6854