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from the land and your investment.
Moving to the next level with Mustang and Exactrix Tool Bars. Hybrid Winter Canola, and Hybrid Coastal Bermuda Grass.
and Banding Coastal Bermuda Grass.
Harvesting 20 inch row precision planted wheat with SRS.
Discussions on the new Binary Banding Technology. Go deep and go fast with sub 1 inch accuracy. Click
here for full video
. Go deep to 8 inch depths formulating bands of TAPPKTS with micros. Ideal for tap rooted crops like Soybean, Seed Corn, Winter Canola, Spring Canola, and specialty crops potato and sugar beet. Deeper bands is key word at 1% CV of application. Confirming highest yields with placed NPKS at 8 inch depths. In the field with the producers, Banding and Harvesting the same day at Hugoton. A 48 year timeline as Hybrid Winter Canola, Hybrid Wheat, Hybridized Seed Corn and Hybrid Coastal Bermuda get special attention
Raising the Hybrid Grass yield potential to the max (16 tons) at 1/3 the
nutrient cost.
Exactrix Mustang Tool Bars, side dressing winter wheat and Hybrid Coastal
Bermuda Grass.
is considered critical to top yields on sandy pivots of SW Kansas.
A Yielder Mustang 3015 with positive down pressure wings and lift
A high clearance tool bar for established producers.
High visibility from the cab. Lowest possible soil disturbance with Exactrix TAPPKTS 1% CV vermiculated bands placed 7 inch to 8 inch depth.
Hybridized Coastal Bermuda Grass. Irrigated production allows
outstanding economics for Cow Calf Pairs.
Sandy soils are ideal for Mustang banding. A powerful case for
Coastal Bermuda Grass hybridized. Late start Fall Wheat, Banded TAPPKTS, No-tillage under sandy soil conditions. |
Exactrix® allows you
the producer more control Take care of business up front with VRT, Site Specific System that works. Be an Architect, Be a Builder.
Do it one time and
do it right with Exactrix NH3 as TAPPS and TAPPKTS.
Try to avoid the
“Firehouse” of foliar and salvage materials over the top. It is your money on the line. There is another 12% additional Net Margin if you pay attention.
The new
product Centuro will be interesting for Koch and how they will
market for 4 to 6 extra bushels. For TKI they
have a mixable DCD, Accu-N® product and they will have a slight
advantage in dual product TAPPS application since it is non toxic to
humans and lower cost. It is a grandfathered product. The TKI
product of DCD or Accu-N® can be added to the liquid blend to
confirm if additionally stability is required. Firehouse
products, foliar feeding products, are too expensive for commodity
crops. Plan ahead using Architect/Builder products that bring lowest
cost per bushel produced.
stabilization, Most likely on sandy ground KTS® will be a big winner, as reported by Mark Ricker at Lyons Kansas along the Arkansas River.
Sandy Pivots with Nematodes….after 5 years trying different approaches using Fumigant Mustard the yield finally jumped from 117 bushel per acre pivot average to 299 bushel per acre pivot average with 120 day Pioneer corn with TAPPKTS. TAPPKTS on
Thio-Sulfate made with Potassium Hydroxide at Coffeeville, KS. Your planter has no 2 x 2 capability in sandy soil you say!…you can add more K in row….TKI also has a product for the seed row, K-Row 23, which also has been recently patented and is seed row safe (sulfite SO3) sulfur at 8%.
Check out all our broadcasts..Click Here. |
The 2017 Agronomy Review. |