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How Bad Can It Get?
Six Percheron Mules pushing the Header, pushing the load in Whitman County, Washington , Labor Day, 2013.
Draft horses are large, heavy muscled animals that are relatively slow to mature and are metabolically very efficient. Mature horses will weigh anywhere from 1500 lbs. to well over 2000 lbs. Hoof quality, bone strength, muscle development and hair coat are all key criteria that are important in raising and using draft horses. As draft horses perform work, energy requirements increase substantially. Good quality forages, grass or grass/legume mixtures, are an important part of the draft horse diet. Horses will consume 1.5-2.5% of bodyweight in forage. Properly balanced grain mixtures, pelleted or textured, may be used to provide the additional energy, amino acids, minerals, trace minerals and vitamins to balance the diets. Poor quality hoof growth can be a problem with draft horses. The use of feeds containing biotin, zinc and methionine may be beneficial for these horses. Draft horses may also be affected by Equine Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy, which used to be called Monday Morning Disease or Azoturia. This conditions results in the horse “tying up” with stiff muscles and reluctance to move. These horses may benefit from a diet that has controlled levels of non-structural carbohydrates or soluble carbohydrates (starches and sugars) and that contains added fat from vegetable oil as well as optimum selenium and vitamin E levels. Regular exercise and turn out are also important for these horses. Growing draft horses may also develop Developmental Orthopedic Disease problems as a result of genetics, conformation, stress or improper nutrition. Feeding a balanced diet and avoiding excess body condition score may be beneficial in reducing the risk of these problems. Be sure to provide free choice salt and access to fresh clean water for all your draft horses, especially those who are performing heavy work.
Discoveries made in dual application of N and P TAPPS/TAPPKTS
Binary Banding 22.5/7.5, 5 section, 4515 Exactrix Mustang Positive Down pressure TC Tool Bar and the Yielder 2900 Steering Track Cart goes to work at GSF, The NC+ Breeder of Channel Seed Corn. Operating with a Deere 9520 Row Crop Quad at Shelton, NE, May 16, 2019. Difficult and wet conditions prove that tracks really work in No-till.
Click here for full video . Check out Binary Banding the massive but delicate process of applying nutrients at 1% CV in deep bands. Mustang Exactrix Banding Nutrients at 9.5 mph in Binary Banding Mode of 22.5 x 7.5, splitting soybean and corn rows in No-till. Allowing the 60 foot 24/30 corn planter to plant directly on top of the Exactrix TAPPKTS Band the same day by banding to 7 to 8 inch depths. Here is why nutrients are combined with root pattern geometry to drive yields up another notch. Achieving record field wide averages using VRT application at 1% CV. The machine and the expert management lifts yield expectations to the 300 bushel per acre range in commercial corn production. Nominal increases over askew Exactrix Mustang will average between 5 and 10% above previous yield levels in the 270 bushel to 290 bushel per acre range for commercial corn. Micro nutrients and efficient utilization of KTS is possible with a third product 2KR Blender with TAPPKTS bands directly under and along-side each corn row. Seed corn production for Channel dealers using high quality inputs of Exactrix TAPPKTS with Micros. The Exactrix Binary Bands brings out the best in seed quality with power packing of nutrients into the seed with balance nutrition in tough weather conditions. Power Packing of Seed is a well-established practice utilized in Washington State by the Crop Improvement Association for raising high quality seed on nutrient packed potato soils. Discoveries made in dual application of N and P using Yielder Drills and Aqua Ammonia. Since 1986 and earlier it has been known that fertilizer nutrient deep bands can be too concentrated with Ammonium when dual placing P, K and S….discoveries were made with Aqua ammonia using Yielder® No-till Drills in the PNW. Why are 24 inch and or 30 single bands of crop nutrients non-desirable and difficult to justify when dual placing N as NH3 and P? Exactrix testing indicates that a 15 inch band has the equivalent of 70 pounds of N as NH3 as compared to 140 pounds of N as NH3 on 30 inch centers. Thus the band has become dilute and frees up the placed P for high crop availability. A waiting period is required for the band pH to adjust. This waiting period is very difficult based on the business opportunity and weather. The goal is to improve yields using single pass drills and pre-plant banding in 2 pass production…A Waiting period is required. Discoveries made by Harapiak and Beaton are included. Highly concentrated Bands of NH3 (20 inch to 30 inch) require a waiting period when P is dual placed with NH3 in shank type application and a Non-Exactrix and a Non-Mustang application. The band concentration is often referred to as “Hot Bands”. The phosphate will not be crop available for up to 30 days due to elevated pH. Exactrix overcomes this problem by diluting the bands down to 18,15, or 12 inch band centers….The Exactrix Mustang P-51C and CUE then dilutes again with” Vermiculation” . The Exactrix exclusive vertical mixing technique dilutes the bands further in a vertical column from 2 inch to 8 inch depth. An Exactrix P-51 vermiculated vertical band improves the availability of nutrients like placed P….the opposite would be a “Bow Tie” application of NH3 locating the NH3 band deep which requires tillage and does not allow for mixing with APP and NH3. It Works Every time, How can Exactrix Mustang Tool Bars deep band TAPPS and TAPPKTS in the same field during the same day with the planter? How can the corn or cotton planters plant expensive seed directly on top of the dilute 12 inch or 15 inch TAPPS or TAPPKS Band of “Super Ammoniated APP/ATS/KTS? What is the T Band and why is it so important? Thus the No-tillage success of Exactrix rests with these 3 factors.
Number 1.
Exactrix NH3 injected at
1% CV uniformity
forming Tri-Ammonium Crystalline Poly Phosphate, Thio-Sulfate
chemical mixing. TAPPKTS is formed inclusion of KTS® . KTS has revised
2019 pricing. KTS is award winning and KTS is economically competitive up
to 100 times more competitive than KCL applied top dressed. A 20 inch band center is technically the end of the line…and is to be avoided unless a waiting period is implemented. Yield loss can be subtle and difficult to surmise on 20 inch centers.
What is Binary Banding?
Follow-up on Binary Banding Exactrix
June 15, 2019 Broadcast e-mail covers
Soybeans and Cotton.
June 30, 2019 Broadcast.
Meeting your formulation needs. your metering systems. more information on advanced crop production.
For More Information:
509.254 6854