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Mustard Interseeding in a Relay of Corn, Cotton or Soybean.
Why interseeding might be the boost cover crops need (

Relay Intercrop Fumigant Mustard may be a better choice to rapidly improve annual and future annual crops.

 Glucosinolates provide impacts to pathogenic soil life. Nematodes of all types typically, Mildews of Soybeans are less and less of a problem. This has been cross verified by Jack Brown, and Matt Morra at the University of Idaho.  There is absolutely more soil stored nitrogen in a mustard rotation.

This seldom understood phenomena was discovered at University of Idaho in a full mustard rotation. It is fair to say that Nitrous Ammonias Bacteria Nitro Bacteria are populated in the soil at a static condition. Thus the active bacteria that destroys ammonium forms of nitrogen do not flourish. A good plant spacing distribution of  fumigant plants per acre is not always required.

Farming Pioneers of the West knew about the power of mustard in the 1930’s

Fumigant Mustard Oil of Pacific Gold and Pacific Gold seed meal can be used to fumigant garden plots. It is truly organic in a natural formation which breaks down to Cyanide Gas when incorporated into moist soil. Thus it is a true organic fumigation of the soil and the fumigant seed can be easily handled by gardeners.

Severe Nematodes can be controlled on Arkansas River Sandy Ground with Yield Jumps from 125 bushels per acre to 299 bushels per acre using strong rates of KTS in combination with the planter bander and the deep band Mustang Openers.

 Mustard can be seeded at any time outside of freezing weather. Normally Fumigant Pacific Gold Mustard is seeded in the spring and summer after the vernal equinox and before the autumnal equinox.

The seed is certified and produced at Genesee Idaho where the breeders at the University of Idaho keep a close eye on their brood stock. PNW Growers process the seed with a color sorter.

There is to my knowledge no know negatory effect on Mycorrhiza since the fumigant mustard crop is dead in 60 to 75 days after planting...It can be chopped and worked into the soil on severe nematodes or it is frozen in December.

Corn and soybean yields on the Great Plains typically increase....never decrease to my knowledge.

The Yields can easily double on sandy soils where Nematodes are present. Very true at several locations across Kansas where soils are sandy.

I would recommend producers with sandy soil always have 5,000 to 10,000 lbs. of Fumigant Mustard, Pacific Gold seed ready to go.  You must have seed available following a hail storm or weather event. If you can seed the crop you could get a very good stand following a hail storm.

Mustard stores well and insects do not damage it. In fact Mustard can be mixed at the storage bins with corn seed and soybean seed to help control insects.

In fact seed growers in Canada often blend mustard as an organic protectant or they keep mustard in small amounts in storage tanks to keep insects and mice out.

The seed cost is minimal with a 10% mark up for handling....The Certified Seed price varies each year from $1.50 per pound to $2.50 per lb. There are 182,800 to180,000 Mustard Seeds in 1 pound of seed. Mustard is Similar to Canola in seed size so it can be easily seeded.

Eric Odberg of Genesee, Idaho raises Mustard, Fumigant Grade, Pacific Gold

The seed is metered very accurately in paired rows. Exactrix TAPPKS with Zinc is applied.

The farmer that raises Fumigant Mustard receives a U of I competitive contract....of 20 cents to 50 cents per pound. It is a very low cost to raise....and it always seeded in in 5 year rotation on very weed free soil

The seed is produced on some of the best high quality dryland soils in the PNW. These are deep soils with ample nutrients and the seed can be ordered with TAPPKTS plus micros application which improves test weight and germination with a balance of nutrients.

The seeding rate is between 2 to 5 lbs. on top notch 5 to 10 lbs. on sandy soils following these program for production of expensive potatoes.

To date the success story is well told across the Great Plains. The fumigant crop, properly managed is a money maker.  The crop has a strong following for producers using Fumigant Grade, Pacific Gold Mustard. The is  Certified Seed of the Idaho and Washington State Crop Improvement Association.  It works very well.

To my knowledge the seed cannot be produced in Irrigated Nebraska and Kansas since Rhizoctonia with infect the seed. Western Kansas is being investigated as a seed production area.

Hopefully next year we will have a new Oriental Fumigant variety from Italy. The seed has been ordered. We will do the seed increase at Genesee

The 85 bushel per acre Soybeans were cut without the aid of header skis.

Header skis may not be required as shown.

The Fumigant Relay,Checkout the Pacific Gold Mustard Roots at 65 days,The leaves are loaded with glucosinolates....The leaves have a horseradish taste. The University of Idaho certified seed is used to increase seed for export oriental cooking. Therefore this is a valuable cash crop in double crop if taken to maturity. This crop can be doubled cropped on the Great Plains.

The Certified PPV U of I Mustards are not considered to be expensive seed. A common crop that is raised on land that has 9 to 20 inch winter rainfall and much lower rainfall for highest quality, land that can be worth $500 to $2,000 per acre.

The seed crop is produced in a very dry environment to produce maximum seed germination quality.

The Glucosinolates will be stable in cold temperatures and will release under the snow pack to improve the soil texture with a full rotational effect. The fumigation breakdown does not hurt earthworms but does get tough on the nasty bacterial nitrous ammonias and non-favorable bacteria like white mold and the fungus charcoal root that are hurting crop performance and yield.

The disease cycle will be broken in a biological fumigation of the soil. This is a very popular program in Washington State. A major change in yield goals and cost of production allows Fumigant Pacific Gold Mustard to move the productivity goals.

This Lower Elkhorn, Nebraska farm will have much higher levels of performance in the 300 bushel to 325 bushel per acre range over the next 5 years.A three and four year rotation effect is the end there is one more option for fumigant cover cropping in the spring period prior to planting corn.

Guy Swanson Reports. It is OK to have High Fertilizer Cost and Potential Cost Reductions.
University of Nebraska
. - Broadcast 10_25_2021 (

Excellent Video Footage by

Rick Engelmeyer.  In the field with Rick, drone coverage in Nebraska..

Rick Engelmeyer ..a great drone shot.


Low germination, Dryland Pivot corner shown at West Point, Beemer Nebraska. About 6.5 miles North of West Point at Road O and 15. Airplane seeding was a little skippy in the field...tillage was used on the pivot tracks. There was 7 lbs. Pacific Gold Mustard and 7 lbs. Spring Wheat. At a cost of $15 per acre. Fumigant Mustard will breakdown under the snow pack.
Pacific Gold Oriental Mustard is high in glucosinolates which will form cyanide gas in the soil.

Basically Fumigant Pacific Gold is adding a 3rdyear to the rotation to clean up bacterial and fungal diseases like Charcoal Rot and White Mold, Nematode populations can be dramatically affected. Mustard in pivot area germinated about Sept. 10 to 13. About 65 days of growth shown. No bolting...plant remained in rosette stage.


Your Great Plains Reporter.
Guy Swanson
Exactrix® Global Systems LLC
509 995 1879 cell, Pacific.
General office: 509-254 6854
4501 East Trent Ave.
Spokane, WA 99212