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Appaloosa Horse
Farm, Spring Brewing Barley. Clean and Clear Rivers are full of migratory fish.
Eric Odberg, the Hill Climber,
Home of the Free, Land of the Brave.
West of the Rockies and
facing the Pacific Ocean, No-Tillage is the only answer and the erosion problem is solved in our life time. Eric Odberg Harvesting Spring Brewing Barley with No-tillage, Exactrix TAPPS VRT-Site Specific application and seeding with a hillside modified Deere 1895. The combine is a Case/Hillco 9120. Several good videos are available. The cleanest and clearest rivers in the USA and full of seagoing fish. Steelhead and salmon with the help of Nez Perce saved Lewis and Clark at this site along the Clearwater. Economics, $200 per ton as Brewing Barley at 2.75 Ton per acre at 48 lb. test weight or better or $550 per acre gross income. Total nutrients. 75 lbs. N as NH3. 10 lbs. P and 10 lbs S in VRT Site Specific. $27.50 of TAPPS applied on 20 inch bands with the Deere 1895. VRT applications made with 1%CV application in four management zones. There is no other place like it in the world. The scape of Idaho, Oregon and Washington is divided by rivers. There is 2,000 feet of elevation change in 4 miles by the crow. Evel Knievel thought about jumping this great canyon. Looking South and West to Lewiston, Idaho. A Pacific seaport is located at Lewiston. An afternoon thunder storm was just starting at about 3:30 pm. “From the Home of the Appaloosa Horse”. The Nez Perce/Appaloosa horse breeding land of Ellis Odberg Sr. Eric Odberg maintains the neighborly payback of clean water for the great fish migrations 2,000 feet below his field. Ellis Odberg Sr. was a cattle and horse breeder that was befriended by the Nez Perce as a great supporter of Appaloosa
On the Southwest Horizon, The Craig Mountain entrance to Hell’s Canyon and Snake River where the Salmon River joins as “The River Of No Return” and The Grand Ronde River from Enterprise Oregon joins the Snake. The Clearwater River is just 4 miles south and 2,000 below the photography. Four Major Rivers come together at Lewiston to form the navigable Snake. Absolutely a unique part of North America The land of the Nez Perce, The Appaloosa Horse and Lewis Clark’s revival. The most impressive VRT-Site Specific field complete with application Map.
VRT-Site Specific Exactrix Style. From $25.00 per acre to $32.00 per acre….and on average a 20 times return on the fertilizer investment dollar in 4 management zones. It is Goldilocks and Three Bears…..This crop is fertilized just right.
This cracked soil is the clay layer…the top soil is gone on this hilltop soil that was eroded with the gravity pull of the plow. A minoot loss of moisture is most likely in most years, not one inch of rain or snow that falls on this rolling terrain is not used by the growing crop. High yields result from a No-tillage Root Systems….The ecological sponge of life. The living soil is protected by the cropping system. Garbanzo Beans or Chickpeas going to Shepard’s Grain. Brewing Barley going to Great Western Malting….Highest quality production for direct consumption is assured by using long rotations. Rotations of 5 to 6 different winter and spring crops saves the land and keeps profitability on the front burner. These are Idaho, Oregon and WSU breed, Non GMO crops. For human consumption…at the salad bar and in the beer . High quality wheats are in 5 classes. There are 3 types of barley, Feed, Food and Brewing. There are winter and spring peas for split peas in yellows and greens, winter and spring lentils. No-till Sunflower and millet are also in the rotation. Furthermore spring and winter Canola, and Dwarf Essex Winter Rapeseed, and even better yet Kentucky Bluegrass seed and also alfalfa are soil saving dryland perennials.
Palouse Falls at Lyons Ferry, Washington, a famous pioneer crossing of the Snake River. Washington State’s most polluted river. A man made event, and an unfortunate event annually. At flood stage delivering millions of tons of top soil into the Snake River. The tools exist to stop it
The central and southern Great Plains, Exactrix Mustang Tool Bar. Ben McClure has purchased this Yielder 3015 Mustang Tool bar, with Exactrix TAPPS formulator machine to further preserve the land and highest fertilizer efficiency. Here is a video or the previous owner, Gangwish Seed Farm of Shelton, NE. The highest Federal scientific award is due to Hybrid Coastal Bermuda Grass. The National Medal of Science, was awarded for Dr. Burton’s biological science applied to the land. Awarded to Glen W Burton in 1982. Ronald Reagan made the National Science award in 1982….Burton was responsible for 2 Billion pounds of beef gain by leaping plant breeding ahead during World War II . He was hybridizing this subtropical rhizome grass specie from Africa. The C-4 plant is high in protein (16% to 18% with TAPPKTS). The crop can only be propagated with sprigs of rhizomes. A weed turned into a valuable resource. The plant seldom produces seed that is not sterile. Hybridization by Burton has assured a perennial supply of grass feed as forage and controlled grazing. The system is highly energy efficient. Glen W Burton’s advanced breeding alone saved the southland of the USA from total erosion and loss of productivity of the land.
Exactrix TAPPKTS P-51C Mustang bands also break any cow compacted surface layer by operating deep to 8 inches on 15 inch centers. Operating pressures of the machinery can also be reduced by using track type tractors. The Hybridized Coastal Bermuda Grass paddocks are pretty rough riding in the tractor seat. The heavily rooted crop will not become sod bound using Mustang Openers banding deep and breaking sub surface compaction. “Come and get it girls…open for lunch about any time.” Constantly maintaining the crop with Exactrix TAPPKTS in the root system four times per year, The Hybridized Coastal Bermuda Grass with 8 inch deep banding Mustang Openers. Mustangs Keep volatile NPKS and micros fertilizer in the soil where it does the most good. The cow and calf pair system…..The irrigated system carries about .85 cow or calf per acre.
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