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Why We Don’t Graze Winter Canola…. At Hugoton KS in
2016 center pivots irrigate for fall grazing of winter wheat in October
thru November.
Why do we not graze pivots of Winter Canola? ….Planted in early August or July? Since we now have SRS (Seed Row Saturation) for a vigorous stand of Winter Canola in 4 days. There can be a 95% stand of Winter Canola stand in about 4 days in the heat of SW Kansas summer. Is the reason the lack of available irrigation water in July and August to supplement irrigate the Winter Canola?….it may only take two or three irrigated inches ($45) to produce a really good stand with a little summer rain on a growing crop. But is more water needed to drive the Winter Canola roots to 6 to 8 feet in the fall. Dr. Brown would say yes…this is why yields are so high in the PNW, deep roots. Properly stated all Winter Canola and Winter Rape is best in yield when planted in early to mid-July in the PNW at 2300 to 3,000 feet in deep Palouse Soils. Can Winter Canola offer more grazing potential? Can Winter Canola be Green Chopped or round baled for feed? Yes and Winter Canola is known to be high protein and the cows can overdo it…. the cows and calves must have a bale of hay to balance the ration. Why do we graze winter wheat which has more disease potential if planted early?….Does Winter Wheat have more biomass than Winter Canola? Does Winter Wheat have better feeding quality than Winter Canola? We can plant Winter Canola up to 45 to 90 days earlier than Winter Wheat. The Winter Canola seed does require less investment with 20 inch or 30 inch Winter Canola at 120,000 when planted in July with 50 to 100 gallons H2O SRS applied in the Row. About 1.5 to 2 lbs. of seed with 6 to 8 inch spacing of the Winter Canola planted in July. This allows 50 to 100 gallons per acre of H2O in row with biological materials to enhance the WC crop. This last year with low commodity prices and following Cotton Seed or Soy….Why did we not evaluate Winter Canola planted on Irrigated Winter Wheat harvested in June? It is also apparent that Spring Wheat can be seeded with Winter Canola. High Protein Spring Wheat is faster growing and offers about 2% more protein than winter wheat. Plus Spring Wheat should winter kill. A KSU Grazing test would be ideal with an early July planting of Winter Canola for feed, fumigation and deep rooting to 6 to 8 feet. Going to yield only if the Canola market responds in the spring. How much money do we get back in grazing of higher protein winter Canola….about 2 to 2.5 tons by freeze up as the estimate..…and that is most likely worth about $80 to $120 per ton based on protein and nutrient. Grazing of Winter Canola needs to investigated in depth for cow calf pair gain and for improved soil quality. Winter Canola can be fertilized and side dressed in November thru March based on market for the seed or the next possible flex crop needs fertility. The following Corn crop needs pre-plant banding of TAPPPKTS with Micros in the fall or early spring. Flex Cropping, the Winter Canola can be killed out in the spring and the pivot commitment shifted to Irrigated Corn production.
Goodland, KS, 30 inch Rubisco Hybrid Winter Canola, Hybridized for
winter survival improvements on the Great Plains. Seed Row Saturation
Works, SRS makes raising Winter Canola a dream. Seed Row Saturation or SRS. A 95% stand in 4 days, Place a bet for a sure win, no insurance program exists for a stand. ”Get a hot summer crop stand with top notch management and move on to the next chapter”. A chance to hedge your bets in Winter Canola production….SRS also works for Cotton. Getting a bigger pasture carrying capacity with TAPPKTS banded to 8 inch depths in Kansas conditions, Hybrid Coastal Bermuda Grass is fertilized up to four times per year. Mustang openers break the sod cap and reduce the cow compaction of the pasture. A big leap ahead with about 1/3 to 25% the cost of top dressed fertilizer. Potassium as KTS is applied deep with NH3 and APP. The KTS® or potassium thio-sulfate is at least 500% more effective than top dressed KCL or potassium chloride dry fertilizer. The Coop might as well sell the $500,000 floater applicator as Fluid Lime is up to 3 times more effective than the top dressed dry lime applications. Exactrix high pressure injection defeats gravity. Gravity is defeated for just a few seconds to produce top yields at 300 psi injection at 1% CV of application. Jack Brown, U of I, Breeder and Jake Gross, SHB, Contract Breeder review Spring and Winter Canola at Craigmont, Idaho in June 2018. Winter Canola can also be green chopped or baled about May 1 to May 15 and Corn can be planted for a great crop with nematode control. Irrigated Winter Canola can be a fumigant power play.
Cows make Winter Canola a fit for irrigated production on the Great Plains. Dairies also may prefer green chop winter Canola. When Winter Canola is planted and SRS is used to produce an excellent stand a rotational power play is implemented improving soil quality with a good cash flow. Winter Canola beat cover cropping every time. Isn’t Winter Canola a better grazing crop since it comes back from the crown….Winter Canola Hybridized has much higher yield potential that winter wheat….a better yielding crop with a lot more biomass….and a great rotational crop? Why do we graze winter wheat when winter canola puts roots deeper into the soil and does produce a lot of growth in July? The Grazing season is much longer with Winter Canola and spreads out the risk of good grazing. Winter Canola may not survive the winter as well as Winter Wheat….not sure about that comment since we now know how to fertilize Winter Canola to improve hardiness with Exactrix TAPPKTS with micros. Winter Canola has been improved by hybridization from Rubisco….It has been greatly improved to handle Winter Survival….. Winter survival may not be that big of deal….if hybrid seed Corn is a better choice come spring. Could it be true? That Winter Canola should be considered firstly for grazing…..and only secondarily as a crop…..based on current pricing.
April 28, 17, Hugoton, Kansas, Hybrid Winter Canola, Rubisco, Hornet,
Cover cropping has very little merit when producers can raise a profitable
Winter Canola crop that provides 10% and greater yield punch to the
following crop.
A typical Exactrix Mustang tool bar will accurately lay down bands for the planter in double widths. Banding into growing winter wheat is a big solution for cattle grazing of winter wheat. Double
Yields from one crop can be greatly enhanced.
Winter wheat gets Mustang Treatment with Exactrix TAPPS at low
nutrient costs of 8% to 10% of the gross income.
Harvesting and Banding Coastal Bermuda Grass. Roll the Dice, Twice …. Time proven, Exactrix Technology. Hedge your bets across the Great Plains.
SRS allows Summer and Fall crops to send seminal roots deep and fast.
A double ended steering cart follows the gauge line in turns at 3,000 gallons of water at 50 gallons per acre…60 acres to the fill…about $6.00 per acre with a $50,000 investment.
Dr. AJ Foster and Dr. Bert Bock move Winter Canola soils into the soil test lab to check sulfur and nitrogen residuals.
Harvesting 20 inch row
precision planted wheat with SRS.
Bigger, But start small.
Discussions on the new Binary Banding Technology. Go deep and go fast with sub 1 inch accuracy. Click
here for full video
. Go deep to 8 inch depths formulating bands of TAPPKTS with micros. Ideal for tap rooted crops like Soybean, Seed Corn, Winter Canola, Spring Canola, and specialty crops potato and sugar beet. Deeper bands is key word at 1% CV of application. Confirming highest yields with placed NPKS at 8 inch depths. In the field with the producers, Banding and Harvesting the same day at Hugoton, KS. A 48 year timeline as Hybrid Winter Canola, Hybrid Wheat, Hybridized Seed Corn and Hybrid Coastal Bermuda get special attention
Raising the Hybrid Grass yield potential to the max (16 tons) at 1/3 the
nutrient cost.
Exactrix Mustang Tool Bars, side dressing winter wheat and Hybrid Coastal
Bermuda Grass. A producer goal….Avoiding pivot applied or top dress floater applications is very important for best quality grass and avoiding root bound sod caps. This is a critical mechanical operation combined with a 1% CV application of ideal chemistry. Mustang banding of NH3 for Exactrix owners and TAPPKTS is up to 3 times more effective than top dressed fertilizer with nominal rates of 600 lbs. N per acre. How much N as NH3? Apply 4 times per year at total of 200 lbs. of N will raise a top quality irrigated crop with high protein. How much K is needed? About 30 gallons of KTS® in 4 applications over 10 months. About 90 lbs. of K as KTS® annual total is considered critical to top yields on sandy pivots of SW Kansas. TAPPKTS beats 600 lbs. of K top dressed annually on sandy soil or low test K soils or about 1,000 lbs. of KCL over the top. How much S is applied? About 60 lbs. S as a Thio Sulfate which frees up micro nutrients in a pH swing and provides stable bands for future growth.
The pasture always needs phosphate deep in the soil…where the roots develop deeper in the soil profile. Drought Stress is the killer in Hybrid Coastal Bermuda Grass Production…deeper root colonies are found in soils with more stored soil moisture at the 7 to 8 inch depth. Top Dressing Dry Phosphate would be only considered in 1965 by J. R. Simplot and company. Park the Floater and move the yield needle in double the production arena. Cows need 16 to 18 per cent protein feed value to post record gains. Placed phosphate works best with dual placement of NH3. The metal Calcium is no longer able to tie up placed P with Ammonization of 10-34-0 with NH3. KTS® stabilizes the band with two types of sulfur. The TAPPKTS™ band stays put in giant rainstorms in almost all cases. Top dressing Coastal Bermuda Grass with dry or liquid fertilizer becomes a salvage operation Top dressing fertilizer cannot compete economically with Exactrix TAPPKTS Mustang banding at 7 inch to 8 inch depths. About 15 to 25 lbs. of P per acre per application or a total of 30 gallons applied four times as 10-3-40 during the year. The first early spring and late fall applications can be higher for 10-34-0…or about 10 gallons per acre. The mid-season can be lower…the 2 application in hottest months should be about 5 gallons per acre. Rotational Band Loading kicks in fast when banding four times per year and doing it all No-till.
Micros such as Zinc and Manganese for sure need to applied with application of TAPPKTS in all Great Plains soils. To date no data is available regarding Fulvic or Humic acid with Exactrix TAPPKTS with Micros banded into the crystals of TAPPKTS. Producers are able to break the cow surface compaction (the Tin Can effect) with Mustang deep banding openers going to 7 to 8 inch depths. Side Note: For Alfalfa Producers, Sharing Technology with Hybrid Coastal Bermuda Grass.
A even greater return of $500 per acre can be achieved with Alfalfa and Mustang TAPPKTS. Perennial cropping moves ahead. No-till is one big reason why nutrients can be reduced in the short and long term. A
Yielder Mustang 3015 with positive down pressure wings and lift assist.
A high clearance tool bar
for established producers.
High visibility from the cab. The field was seeded late November, early December 2018 and is considered a very late seeding and non-insurable. Lowest possible soil disturbance with Exactrix TAPPKTS 1% CV vermiculated bands placed 7 inch to 8 inch depth. Banding of this crop was carried out Feb. 14, 19. This field made a very good yield as reported by Ben McClure.
Hybridized Coastal Bermuda Grass. Irrigated production allows outstanding
economics for Cow Calf Pairs.
Exactrix assures a highly
crop available, 1% CV bands of TAPPKTS and AZn for many years under
Rotational Band Loading.
Lewis Davis of Pampa, Texas and Troy Coen of Elkhart, KS confirm the potential of Mustang and Exactrix in Great Plains conditions. Lance Helberg, A Former Fertilizer Dealer, Grassland, Row Crop and Broad acre, In the Heart of Texas. Lance says “Nutrients must be separated from the single pass drill. I own a Deere 1890 with seeding only capability for winter wheat. We will band TAPPKTS™ for Cotton at high speed and we will be ready with our new precision Case planter for 14 days of great timing of planting and or seeding. Banding TAPPKTS around the year allows less nutrient and always much more yield. I like Exactrix TAPPKTS™ and I started my career as a fertilizer dealer”
Lance Helberg, Hay maker, TAPPKTS™ banded during dormancy at optimized rates 10 gallons NH3, 5 gallons APP, and 5 gallons KTS with micros, for dryland Coastal Bermuda Grass. The Mustang tool bar operates every month of year in the Heart of Texas with 8 different crops. A more balance bottom line with positive cash flows every day of the month with 8 different crops. Exactrix Mustang operates 12 months out of the year at Hugoton, KS. In Kansas Conditions operating planters in the hot summer months producing top yield potential. Exceptional winter survival of Winter Canola with TAPPKTS techniques from Exactrix. Seed Row Saturation, SRS makes Winter Canola possible with a great start. Seed row fertilizer is dropped in favor of SRS and Biological materials in row with Exactrix Binary Banding. TAPPKTS deep banding to 7 to 8 inches assures highest possible nutrient uptake at much reduced rates. Today you can use the Exactrix geometrics of single pass moved up a notch with Exactrix Tool Bars and GPS guidance into two passes. Exactrix No-tillage owners are Indexing directly on top of bands of TAPPKTS plus micros. Seed row fertilizer is historical. This makes SRS possible with biological materials in row. Yields jump again about 8% with Binary Banding. A 180 second video of Exactrix TAPPKS on the Great Plains in Binary Banding. Here is high water mark in Nebraska seeking nutrient efficiency and beating back compaction. Exactrix No-tillage Mustang tool bars operate 12 months out the year moving across the Great Plains and the Pacific Northwest. Get serious about banding TAPPKTS crop nutrients with 26.5 inch Mustang CUE openers. Take a bonus of $60 to $150 per acre to your bottom line. Exactrix TAPPKTS with Micros and Fulvic Acid make big news in Alfalfa Recovery. AR offers up to $500 per acre additional net income by extending and doubling the Alfalfa longevity due to depleted soils. Exactrix TAPPKTS crops simply yield higher in combination with timely moisture. Park the 18 inch and 20 inch Mid-row banders that are shallow banding tools built for the younger Canadian glacial till soils. These soils cannot store soil moisture over the winter and have shallow have a severe lack of soil depth and moisture storage capability. Volcanic and loess deep soils developed over 50,000 generations are found in the more temperate production areas of North America. These soils are much deeper and were not glaciated. The MRB from Deere, Bourgault and others is a big compromise in western non-glaciated soil conditions. Banding with fixed angle openers at 3.5 inches is a big compromise when placed P Mid-Row is stranded and cannot be accessed by the growing crop. Thus Yielder® Paired Row with no starter fertilizer must be used with NPKS bands at 5 inch depth and two seed rows 2.5 inch to the side of the deep band in 5/15 and 5/10 configuration. There is only one commercial drill that works well in single pass and now it is no longer used due to a better choice of separating the banding operation from the seeding operation. The machinery gets wider and better when banding is removed from the drill. Missouri and West…The western loess soils allow TAPPKTS bands to be located deeper (7 to 9 inches). Exactrix®, Mustang and Yielder® technology is effectively able to produce top yields in deep band placement west of the Missouri. Plus Rotational Band Loading from Exactrix is very effective and allows even a skip year every 5 years. True, No primary fertilizer is required every 5 th year when TAPPS bands are stored in the soil at 7 to 9 inch depths in Southwestern Kansas conditions. Go West, Go Fast, Go No-till, and Go Deep in the Loess soils west of the Missouri and the PNW.
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