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Why Anhydrous Ammonia As
TAPPKTS™ Works Every Time. North American Agriculture at Shelton, NE, is unique with manufacturer of ammonia 50 miles away. Storage of NH3 is critical to stabilize the price and assures on time delivery to the field. Storage and delivery of corn to oriental markets by means of the two greatest Transcontinental Railroads has no comparison. Interstate 80 allows the access to Ammonia Plants of Nebraska, Iowa and Wyoming. Long term planning of Infrastructure builds economic strength of family farms. Ethanol plants and livestock feeding of distillers grains drives efficiency in diversified operations. It takes $1.00 per bushel to deliver corn in 48 to 72 hours to the Pacific Coast from the Husker Heartland. Is it important to use Anhydrous Ammonia? One of the most significant decisions of your farming career is the use of Primary and Highest Quality Nitrogen….Exactrix® NH3. An Exactrix® modified clear liquid state material with no freezing lines, injected as a liquid at guaranteed analysis of 82 per cent N. A non-carcinogenic material and winner of two Nobel Prizes. If you are a young 1,000 acre corn farmer with a retired father. If you are a 50 year old farmer with a son and a participating granddad. Your age or generation makes no difference when conservation and land values must be considered. The data eventually shows up at that the bottom line, every time. For sure NH3 is always the winner and greatly responsible for improving land values. Always hedge your bets with NH3 in your primary applications of N, P, K and S and micros like AZn and Chelated Mn.
A review of typical yield response in
Nebraska Conditions using Liquid 32-0-0 applied Exactrix® N as NH3 at the highest rate of N achieves top yields in Nebraska Irrigated Corn production. Yields are in the 280 to 290 bushel range at 140 total lbs. N, 120 lbs. NH3 and 20 lbs. Ammonium in APP and ATS and with KTS® inclusive, yields go to the top. TAPPKTS, AZn, Mn is the balanced nutrition geometrically positioned so only the growing crop sees the nutrient. Weed control becomes much more efficient. And furthermore double crop soybeans are possible in Kansas conditions. Feeding weeds and starving the growing crop is the failure of 32-0-0 applied with the pivot or pre-plant banded. Now with the reduction in price of 40% less, KTS® can also be easily justified in Exactrix applications since it also stabilizes nitrogen as a Thio-sulfate. KTS® frees up micro nutrients as 0-0-25-17S with exclusive pH shift of TAPPKTS™. Top Yielding Rate, Exactrix TAPPKTS operates with 135 lbs. N as NH3, P at 4 to 5 gallons APP (at 18 lbs. P and 7 lbs. Ammonium), K at 5 to 7 gallons KTS® with( 21K and 14.7 lbs. S and SO4) plus .75 to .90 lbs. AZn and .5 lbs. chelated Mn. At current commodity pricing of 7% to 9% of the gross income and not to exceed $65.00 per acre in irrigated production. Seed Row starter is not recommended with Binary Banding. TAPPKTS+ AZn, Micro, Mn, Exactrix Yield Performance Curve. Tested 5 years, Nebraska, Kansas, Conditions. Exactrix® P-51 C, Mustangs, 15 inch centers and 30 inch strip till. It is well known by Exactrix® owners that use 1% CV Exactrix®, VRT-Site Specific application that it does no good to go above 140 lbs. N per acre in Nebraska and Kansas irrigated conditions when Exactrix TAPPS™ and TAPPKTS™ is applied….this is total N inclusive. AZn and Mn micros are also used. Not always is Corn production properly explained about the role of N. “In fact, Phosphate leads and all other nutrients follow”, Roger Wilson, TVA. Therefore, the economics of Corn Production are greatly enhanced when NPKS and micros are completely compared…this was not done in the UNL data base in the above chart and article included above. Rotational Band Loading Third Year. The cost of TAPPKTS™ plus micros is 44% N or 135 lbs. N as NH3 and 56% NPKS and micros. At 135 lbs. N as NH3 using Mass Flow at .002 repeatable application, Total N cost is $28.77 on production site. At 10 gallons of liquid NPKS and Micros at 4 gallons APP, 5 gallons KTS, .75-gallon AZn and .25 gallon chelated Mn. First Year Exactrix® No-till 15 inch Mustang Binary Banding TAPPKTS™ plus micros is 37% N as NH3 at 135 lbs. N as NH3 at and 63% NPKS and micros. At 135 lbs. N as NH3 using Mass Flow at .002 repeatable application, Total N as NH3 cost is $28.77 On farm storage. At 13 gallons of NPKS and Micros at 6 gallons APP, 7 gallons KTS, .75 gallon AZn and .25 gallon chelated Mn or 13 gallons total Liquid at $3.63 average per gallon. “The Low Rate is always the winner. Whether it is hail, wind, poor rainfall timing, too wet or too dry or a poor rotation.” It should also be noted in difficult weather conditions, Exactrix® TAPPKTS™ with micros is immediately crop available during the growing season. Whether the center pivot runs or not in wet weather or dry weather bands located at the 6 to 7 inch depth and located geometrically for cereal root access always produce the highest yields at the lowest cost. Strip-Till, No-Till Exactrix® Mustang 7 inch depth single disc banding or Binary Banding with excellent Exactrix® nutrient efficiency yield potential jumps to much higher levels of production and less nutrient is required. 10/07/2019 TAPPS and TAPPKTS Banding is superior.
The required fertilizer inputs other than NH3 most likely came from bulk spreading of NPKS and seed row starter fertilizers. A very inaccurate method with compounded CV of application and wind direction and slope angle. Poor application confirms that management zones may vary more than the increment of the zone. Exactrix® offers VRT-Site Specific application of TAPPKTS™ and micros…this allows the next chapter in nutrient management to form up. And furthermore starter fertilizer is not required with Exactrix® Binary Banding. About 50 lbs. of N was wasted. Compared to $320 per ton for NH3 at 21 cents per lb. of N with on farm storage. This is opportunity cost of a high quality application with Exactrix® at $36.20 per acre is wasted, lost or way too expensive as compared to solution 32-0-0 at 40 cents per lb. of N. In the budget we find Exactrix® N as NH3 crystallized TAPPS™ at $29.20….compared to solution 32 at $76.00 per acre stand-alone input. This is a very big deal….A big deal for a young farmer with 1,000 acres of corn over a 20 year period. About $720,000 back in the kitty. In fact when corn prices again jump to $5.00 to $6.00 per bushel….nitrogen will follow the corn price and the price spread could easily double to $1.45 million over a 20 year career. Now is the time to conserve and use less and get more. A good document from the University of Nebraska using 32-0-0 is included in the above chart. Below you can compare the power of TAPPS and TAPPKTS and Binary Banding. And even yet better explained with all fertilizer inputs of NPKS and micros. The comparison stands out since the yields come up faster and plateau sooner with TAPPKTS and Micros. About $75 was spent on solution 32-0-0 with no other nutrient sources included. Most likely another $75 was spent on dry bulk spreading to maintain soil test P at 25 PPM and also with a high CV or a poor VRT-Site specific application. Exactrix TAPPKTS plus Micros is compared at $65.00 and total VRT-Site Specific at 1%CV of application. Exactrix® N as NH3 at the highest rate of N achieves top yields in Nebraska Irrigated Corn production. Yields are in the 280 to 290 bushel range at 140 total lbs. N, 120 lbs. NH3 and 20 lbs. Ammonium in APP and ATS. Now with the reduction in price, KTS® can also be easily justified in Exactrix applications since it also stabilizes nitrogen as a Thio-sulfate. KTS® frees up micro nutrients as 0-0-25-17S with exclusive pH shift of TAPPKTS. It is well known by Exactrix owners that use 1% CV Exactrix, VRT-Site Specific application that it does no good to go above 140 lbs. N per acre in Nebraska conditions when Exactrix® TAPPS and TAPPKTS is applied....this is total N inclusive.
Not always is Corn
production properly explained about the role of N. Therefore the economics of Corn Production are greatly enhanced when NPKS and micros are completely compared...this was not done in the data base. And furthermore starter fertilizer is not required with Exactrix® Binary Banding. About 50 lbs. of N was wasted. Compared to $320 per ton for NH3 at 21 cents per lb. of N with on farm storage. This is opportunity cost of a high quality application with Exactrix® at $36.20 per acre is wasted, lost or way too expensive as compared to solution 32-0-0 at 40 cents per lb. of N. In the budget we find Exactrix® N as NH3 crystallized TAPPS at $29.20….compared to solution 32 at $76.00 per acre stand-alone input. This is a very big deal….A big deal for a young farmer with 1,000 acres of corn over a 20 year period. About $720,000 back in the kitty. In fact when corn prices again jump to $5.00 to $6.00 per bushel….nitrogen will follow the corn price and the price spread could easily double to $1.45 million over a 20 year career. Now is the time to conserve and use less and get more. Exactrix® Binary Banding and TAPPS and TAPPKTS further explained. Variable Rate, Site Specific explained with new technology from Sat Shot.
Top yields, best
margin and the new leader in VRT-Site Specific, Small Grains
Expert. Eric Odberg at Genesee, Idaho breaking winter wheat yield records.
Exactrix TAPPS at Catholic Canyon using 4 management zones. Exactrix
Site-Specific, Variable Rate
involvement, No Federal US Government funding required.
Click on image to see full PDF file. Order your copy of Exactrix Husker Harvest Days compendium.
Frontier Farming Days.
Producers Get
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