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You Ask For It! Test,
Test, Test. A true No-till phenomena with deep 8 inch banding of TAPPKTS. Surgical cuts of lateral roots.
“After 8 years of testing finally the Rosetta Stone of Alfalfa kicked in”. A major change for Alfalfa producers was discovered by Gary Dick and Guy Swanson. Surgical Cuts of Mustang P-51C openers and TAPPKTS brought back a failed stand. This article will help you understand how we can manage Alfalfa and Timothy with Variable Rate. The TAPPKTS plus micros and fulvic applications are made in Season right after 28 day harvest events. Applications are made at any time since the openers run deep, nutrients are immediately crop available, and yields and stands have proven to offer up to $500 per acre more net income. NDVI is utilized to determine the canopy. Thus the perennial field NDVI maps and information becomes an immediate pathway to variability as related to stand quality and on the deck truthing of the business opportunity. Thus you can go with an in-season treatment of nutrients banded deep into the growing roots. So for perennial producers this a good way to confirm the need. Cross verification and Ground Truthing techniques come to us from University research in OK and TX. The following 28th day cutting NDVI is the final report….or the 56th day. Another treatment can follow with Lime or Calcium Sulfate surface and deep banded. We are almost certain that NDVI is very powerful. Finally we have a way to fertilize perennials at much reduced costs….allowing longer term and powerful stands not subject to compaction and root sod bound stands. The Mustangs work well in opening channels to 9 inch depths. The Ammonia cauterizes the roots and reduces disease potential.
Hugoton, KS, Ben McClure. Hybrid Coastal Bermuda Grass, Exactrix® TAPPKTS plus micros, banded to 8 inch depth, July 2019. University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Deciphering Yield Results Through NDVI and Thermal Imagery The soybean grain moisture, yield, quality, and net return were not different following the cover crop versus no cover crop (Table 1). To determine how the cover crop mixture impacted soybean crop growth, we analyzed the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) from the growing season imagery. The NDVI, a ratio of red to near-infrared light, is a metric derived from plant canopy spectral reflectance that gives a quantitative estimation of vegetation growth and biomass. The index varies between 0 and 1 with very low NDVI values representing areas of bare soil and high NDVI values corresponding to dense vegetation. Thus, NDVI data correlates to plant vigor, and differences in vigor on a field can show the effect of varying management, such as cover crops. For this field, the NDVI data showed lower values for soybean in strips that followed cover crops in July, and higher NDVI values in September (Figure 1). Remote Sensing as a “Visual Diary” of the Growing Season Farmers in the Nebraska SHI are exploring tools and features to evaluate crop performance and crop health insights. End-of-season yield, the ultimate metric to evaluate crop performance, does not tell farmers the full story of how the cash crop performed throughout the growing season. Remote sensing techniques can be used to provide farmers a “visual diary” of their season and document how crop and soil responded to weather, pests, or diseases during the growing season as a results of management decisions such as cover crops. Such information can be used as a tool for in-season decisions (for example, water and nutrient application), as well as management plans for the following year. This report focuses on lessons learned from one of the on-farm demonstration fields established as part of the Nebraska SHI located in Howard County. The 96-acre field is in a corn-soybean-small grain rotation and became part of the initiative in 2017. The study compared the use of a cover crop mixture versus no-cover crop in randomized and replicated field-length strips. The cover crop mixture drilled in September 2018 (the second year of continuous cover crop use) comprised of a 9-species mixture recommendation based on NRCS cover crop guide. On May 10th, 2019 cover crop aboveground biomass was collected before chemical termination on May 14th, 2019. Total biomass for cover crop was 1.25 ton/ac or 2500 lb./ac. After cover crop termination, soybean was planted on May 16th, 2019 at a 30-inch row spacing. Additional information about the site management can be found in the 2019 SHI on-farm research report. High-resolution imagery (including natural color, infrared, and thermal) were acquired on a weekly basis during the soybean growing season from TerrAvion® (; San Managing Irrigated Pastures with Exactrix TAPPKTS and Mustangs. An interview with Gary Dick in Alfalfa stand recovery using Mustang P-51C and TAPPKTS. Alfalfa Gets A New Friend,
Exactrix Rental Tool Bars Push Alfalfa Profits Summary. Feb. 10, 2020. North American edition. Exactrix Rental Tool Bars in Top condition and ready to bring more net dollars. You get professional help on your farm with Exactrix $1,000 Test plot credits. You get producers like Joel McClure to help you operate your machine. Find out why test plot returns show $150 more net income under center pivots. Dryland returns are typically $60.00 more net return.
How you
can double crop with Exactrix using 1 application. The Power Tool of Alfalfa, Mustang P-51C and P-51CUE Openers The System Tool with No-tillage Mustang Banding allows Rotational Band Loading to magnify in stable soils of Alfalfa.
Injection timing
improved with opener NH3 stainless steel ball valves allowing total
control of NH3 at A true No-till Phenomena with deep 8 inch Banding of TAPPKTS. Surgical cuts of lateral roots.
A typical nutrient program for Alfalfa production in Kansas and Oklahoma conditions. The starting point for the soil is 6.8 to 7.6 pH at Ulysses, KS with adequate calcium and magnesium.
calculations for dry fertilizer application at 630 lbs. per acre, annual
applications, competing with TAPPKTS (310 lbs.) deep banded 8 inches at
$64.00 to $74.00 per acre.
fertilizer application costing $213.00 per acre per year at the $200 per
acre rate for 8 ton Alfalfa. In general application and liquid fertilizer TAPPKTS+micros and Fulvic will cost half of the dry fertilizer program. A true No-Tillage system out-competing a tillage and top dressing fertilizer system. Perennial Crops Perform Well With Mustangs, Hybrid Coast Bermuda Grass and Alfalfa. How to get started in your new Alfalfa management project. Find an Exactrix TAPPS Formulator tool bar you can rent. No major investment is required to make another $350 to $500 per acre.
A final note: A National Award is given in 2031 by our new American Carbon Society, for saving soil, keeping carbon in the soil and keeping agriculture profitable using less and getting more. What about Yield? Typically at Oklahoma State University Tests, R.W. Mullen and others, banding P into Alfalfa sod was discovered to improve yields 1.8 to 2.1 tons per acre. The process was not superior when 10-34-0 was shank banded into Alfalfa stands. Tearing and damage of roots occurred and uniformity of application was not published. Yield information is included below. Considering Yield and Quality banding can be easily justified with an additional $200 to $350 of income at current Dairy Quality Alfalfa pricing. Up to $150 per acre less nutrient is required. Producers can expect net incomes of $350 to $500 more per acre annually. TAPPS is Crystalline Tri-Ammonium Poly Phosphate Sulfate combined in the soil at 1%CV at 1% CV at 300 psi injection. TAPPKTS is Crystalline Tri Ammonium Poly Phosphate Potassium Thio-Sulfate combined in the soil at 1% CV at 300 psi injection. Pre-plant banding allows establishment of Alfalfa at 75 degrees F without blowing soil using No-tillage techniques in heavy residue in September, October, November. For certain, 15 inch bands provide immediate access by 10 inch seed row spacing, alfalfa when TAPPKTS plus Micros and Fulvic Acid is banded to 8 inch depths. Rotational Band Loading of Alfalfa results in highly efficient placed bands to utilize place nutrients at double and triple previous performance from top dressing. Phosphate Banding. Alfalfa Finds a New Friend. Alfalfa Soil & Plant Health Analysis Click Here Click for Current nutrient costs. What is the cost of the nutrients? What is the Blend? How do I get it done? Recovering Old Alfalfa stands at the 7th year.
Rental Machines and locations.
Located at Hugoton, $16.00 per acre at 1,000 acres. Rental rate applies within 80 miles of Hugoton. Exactrix owners rent for $14.00 acres, Less Training is required. Contact Joel McClure. Exactrix pays back $1,000 for STEEP test Plots. 25% of the rental applies to purchase for this Mustang Yielder, 3 section, 3015, dual product machine. Liquid tanks on tractor, Lift assist. Goodland, KS. Exactrix Tool Bar, Located at Goodland, $16.00 per acre at 1,000 acres. Rental rate applies within 80 miles of Hugoton. Exactrix owners rent this bar for $14.00 acres, Less Training is required. Exactrix pays back $1,000 for STEEP test Plots. 25% of the rental applies to purchase for this Mustang Yielder, 3 section wing up solid tool bar 7 x 7, 3015, dual product machine. Liquid tanks on tractor. Pullman, Washington.
Call Exactrix Spokane for quote. 1,000 acres Minimum in the Pacific Northwest. 12 inch band centers at 36 feet in 2 point.
St. John Washington.
12 inch band spacing Deere 1890/95 series openers. Heavy blades. Four section machine. Contact Exactrix. Dalhart, Texas.
Model Mustang 3015, 15 inch band centers. Orthman Tool Bar Conversion. Andy Cover, Dalhart/Hartley on the XIT, Direct number. 806-340-6088 Sexsmith, Alberta.
Nutrien Express. Robin McKeeman, Banding in Custom programs up to Case 940, Banding at 8 mph at 61.25 feet at 1 acre per minute. TAPPS and TAPPKS. Rental varies between $20 to $25 CDN per acre. All No-tillage. Direct 780-832-8297
Note, References. Compendium of Banding, Fluid Fertilizer
Foundation. Your Great
Plains Reporter.
Meeting your formulation needs. your metering systems. more information on advanced crop production.
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