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How Did Mark Ricker double irrigated corn yields on Arkansas River Flood
Plain? Why is KTS at 2.1 lbs. S per gallon and 3 lbs. K per gallon, Why is it a required input?
Pacific Gold Mustard as PPV of U of Idaho is seeded in late March in Kansas Conditions. Following Washington State University guidelines always produces the best results. Even Potatoes move to a 2 year rotation with Fumigant Mustard. Always use Ag Nema and your agronomist to cross verify your specific nematode. Cotton, In Texas and Oklahoma Conditions. KTS outperforms all other sources of Potassium.
Dramatic Changes in Cotton Production with KTS on depleted or sandy soils. K and S supplied timely. Micro Nutrients can finally work very well with homogenous delivery with KTS, ATS and APP. Fumigant Mustard also works well in Cotton when the specific Nematode is identified Always use TAPPKTS with Trafix Zn and 50/50 Humic/Fulvic. Exactrix P51C and CUE Mustangs
P-51CE With 52 degree Injection and electronic shut down at the opener. Do You Need More Facts?
Here are the facts! From Shelton, NE on the Great Platte River Road. The Heart of Irrigated Nebraska. You are invited, please click on the image for a great story.. More Facts for Small Grains Producers in the most dynamic No-till system in the world.
The Palouse in Eastern Washington
The Technical specifics of Fumigant Mustard. In Kansas along the Flood Plain of the Arkansas River, After Five years of Testing, Mark Ricker discovered a Mortgage Lifter. His Irrigated sandy pivots finally hit full potential. He identified the problem. From the University of Idaho, Pacific Gold Mustard, Brassica Juncea, Oriental Mustard, High in Glucosinolates
review, and investigation. Better than STEEP plots, big financial results.
For 2018, Mark Ricker at Lyons, KS used 15 gallons
total of KTS….I have included the specification sheet above. Mark Ricker. 620 562 7755. Mark owns 2 Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS formulators, One on a strip till tool bar. And one on a Mustang Tool Bar. Lyons, KS is along the Arkansas River in central Kansas. Do you have a problem on sandy soils? Are There Too Many Teeth In The Buzz Saw? Is it too sandy? Is it Nematodes? Is it Nitrogen? Is it Phosphate? Is it Potassium? Is it Sulfur? Is it Micro-nutrients? Previous best was 200 bushels per acre with Fumigation. Using Pacific Gold Mustard for Fumigation and worked into the soil and 3 gallons KTS 3 gallons ATS and 5 to 7 gallons APP with micros…..previous best was a dramatic improvement….in fact 5 years ago when we started at 100 bushel per acre average 5 years ago on the Arkansas River operating with sandy ground and nematode problems. Mark was one of the first to start a Nematode fumigation program with Mustard for the University of Idaho Breeding Program. Previous rates were in the 3 gallon range of KTS….so it took 15 gallons per acre to get on top of the problem. This year Mark took the big leap ahead…. And dropped the ATS in the band of TAPPKTS and went with 5 gallons APP with 10 gallons KTS. Then added another 5 gallons KTS side banded. In 2018, the yield of the pivot averaged 299 bushels per acre with a 120 day Pioneer variety. Strip Tilled with Exactrix TAPPKTS (15 gallons KTS) and mustard fumigation. He has tried Potassium Chloride, KCL with Variable Rate and Site Specific in the range of 150 to 240 lbs. per acre. The KCL treatment averaged 150 bushels per acre. The soils are sandy for sure.
KCL is not crop effective at Lyons, KS. Nor in most Nebraska conditions. The chloride could actually be toxic in heavy applications. High surface application rates of Sulfate of Potash maybe as high as 1,200 lbs. per acre would need to be top dress applied to compete with 15 gallons of KTS. And in fact uniformity of application allows Variable Site Specific to work at maximum efficiency when application is made at a 1% CV of application in 7 to 8 inch deep bands….and TAPPKTS is always available for future crops in No-till farming. Commonly referred to as Rotational Band Loading. At Lyons, along the Arkansas River, The 240 pound per acre KCL top dressed in combination with Mustard Fumigation, Pacific Gold, never took yields much above 150 bushels per acre with mustard fumigation and TAPPS.
The utilization of
KTS with Mustard Fumigation was and has been powerful at Lyons, KS.
Thiosulfate in TAPPKTS. Note: Applications to 5 degrees Fahrenheit are possible with KTS, An ideal product in Northern climates and an ideal material to blend with 10-34-0.
Corn Gets
Biological Yield Enhancement Pacific Gold Mustard is fumigant grade. The University of Idaho, PPV mustard plant, is high in Glucosinolate content forming ally isothiocyanate in the soil. The plant is dual purpose. Pacific Gold is bred as an oriental mustard for export and used in cooking oils with a pungent taste. Pacific Gold is also bred as a fumigant grade mustard and used for cleaning up problematic soils. Soil fumigation can be effective with certain types of mustards. The target must be identified. In this case, the target is nematodes. The strip till pass was made 2 weeks earlier with no nutrients applied, since soybean will be produced.
This is an Arkansas
River floodplain as a sandy soil type with nematode infestation. The
problem has been identified as root lesion nematode and
Bigger plants observed….Making an applied nitrogen test. The larger mustard plants on the right side of the picture were fertilized at an angle with a P-51 Mustang Tool bar. The mustard leaves were about 2.5 times larger with only NH3 applied. There was no ATS or KTS applied in the test. KCL was top dressed at 150 to 240 pounds per acre in this 2015 example or 150 pounds of K and 96 pounds of Chloride. Lyons, KS, May 11, 2015 Mark Ricker, Exactrix® owner planted soybeans and corn into the Pacific Gold Mustard, May 11, 15. Mark Ricker carried out No till Mustard Fumigation and testing at Lyons in 2014, with good results in full pivot size plots. In fact, Pacific Gold testing in 2014 showed giant increases in corn production. The test plots were not official or by STEEP standards. 2014 was a No-till fumigation program. 2015 was a strip till program in March 1 seeded Pacific Gold Mustard. TAPPKTS Banding of nutrients were 15 inch in 2014 and 30 inch in 2015.
Mark Ricker’s P-51, Exactrix® Mustang Tool Bar was utilized to no-tillage band TAPPS and TAPPKTS. The Exactrix fertilized Pacific Gold fumigant grade mustard plants were taller plants and much healthier with 55 lbs./A of NH3 applied. There was likely a double in the bio-mass so fertilizer application to fumigant mustard will work economically. The conclusion for next year is about 30 pounds N/A and about 30 lbs./A, Ammonium Thio-Sulfate, Thio-Sul®, to be applied when Pacific Gold fumigant grade mustard is included in the rotation with Soybeans. Sulfur application is important to improve Glucosinolate production along with nitrogen to make amino acids. TAPPS and TAPPKS application can also be considered. The fumigant crop can also be irrigated to improve the stands. Seed cost is about $1.00 per lb. The crop is normally seeded at 5 lbs. per acre. The water cost can be as high as $10.00 per acre. The nutrient cost should be around $20 to $30 per acre using NH3 and Thio-sul®. Costs of $5.00 to as high $55.00 per acre are considered acceptable, since the results from last year showed an additional $400 to $500 per acre of income. Gigantic yield increases were observed due to suppression of nematodes using Pacific Gold Mustard.
The Glucosinolate molecule breaks down with water to form ally isothiocyanate. The result is a natural, rotational control or suppression of nematodes with no significant damage to earthworm populations. The 30 inch strips will be planted to soybeans by May 12, 15. The Pacific Gold mustard and RR soybeans will be applied with Roundup® in about 2 weeks after the Pacific Gold mustard is fully bolted. Soybeans are more light sensitive than corn from the competitive effect. In 2014 the No-tillage Pacific Gold fumigant mustard produced a very significant yield boost in corn production. The full pivot test produced a very big jump in yield as compared to previous corn crops. Lost Yield Potential. The pivot tested has consistently lost or declined in yield from 1996 in a corn soybean rotation. The previous corn crop had yielded only 117 bushels per acre due to nematodes. Crop Quest consultant, Jon French has been doing the testing for nematodes. Using March seeded Pacific Gold Fumigant Mustard, the nematode population can be reduced for the following corn crop in 2016. In fact, the nematode problem is so significant that every opportunity must be made to fumigate starting in March, or even if the crop is hailed out. Pacific Gold Mustard will work very well on hailed out pivots. The Pacific Gold mustard was planted about March 3, 2015 at 10 lbs. The field was strip tilled in late April in preparation for corn or soybean, in this case soybean. Some strip tilled fields are also prepared for corn and Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS nutrients are placed directly below the seed rows. May 6, 2015 at Lyons, KS, Exactrix TAPPS and TAPPKTS, strip till corn in Pacific Gold mustard fumigated soils.
Strip Till into growing Mustard in 2015 This technique did not work well. In 2016 to 2018 a change to the WSU technique of Fumigant Mustard using field choppers and light tillage to work the mustard into the soil. The WSU technique was confirmed successful and remains in place today. Learn how to Fumigate with Pacific Gold Mustard.
Pacific Gold Mustard Seed is about $1.00 per pound. Seed rates 1 to 5 pounds per acre is considered functional. You can move a mountain with Pacific Gold mustard.
High Risk Potatoes Get
Mustard In Rotation. ChemistryGlucosinolates constitute a natural class of organic compounds that contain sulfur and nitrogen and are derived from glucose and an amino acid. They are water-soluble anions and can be leached into the water during cooking.[ Glucosinolates belong to the glucosides. Every glucosinolate contains a central carbon atom, which is bound via a sulfur atom to the thioglucose group (making a sulfated aldoxime) and via a nitrogen atom to a sulfate group. In addition, the central carbon is bound to a side group; different glucosinolates have different side groups, and it is variation in the side group that is responsible for the variation in the biological activities of these plant compounds. Some glucosinolates:
Plant Beans on Top of the Binary Band of TAPPKTS and Ferrilene® Dramatic Results on soil pH to 7.5 to 9 pH. Ferrilene works every time with Exactrix Binary Banding of Soybeans with TAPPKTS. Check out all our broadcasts..Click Here Your Great
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