Return To Main Page Wind Powered Green Ammonia Will Grow Fast. From 170 million metric tonnes to 1,700 million metric tonnes total ammonia in 20 to 30 years. Setting up for 500 Green Play Ammonia, Yielder® NFuel plants by 2030, and 5,000 by 2050. A 1.2 Billion dollar business in six to eight years with Exactrix® assistance to Green Play Ammonia. LNG is gone with the wind. Wholesale Changes For The Energy Business. Locally building low cost NH3 with Zero Carbon wind power and heavy transportable forms of Hydrogen. Using common steel tanks and reusing common steel propane tanks with code welding and Hartford Insurance approval. Controlled by the National Board of Review in existing format for code welders. Improved national security with no mega plants controlling the food supply. The end of boiling ammonia at mega plants. Much like propane delivery and storage.
Concentrated Hydrogen News
Green Play Ammonia Designers Book. Yielder® NFuel will provide Green Electricity for Electric Vehicles along the Interstate Systems of America.
Pritchett….Best high quality wind in Colorado….and
top notch location to pick up producers in OK, TX and Kansas. A great location for shipping ammonia in Rocky Mountain Doubles….and some special allowance to run on 1-70 as they do with Triples today to Goodland.….Ideal location for North, South, West to East to Quinter, KS. Exactrix Breaks Out of the Pandemic, The new era of NH3.
Ammonia is not a carcinogen. As stated by several scientific sources. Is ammonia a carcinogen? There is no evidence that ammonia causes cancer. Ammonia has not been classified for carcinogenic effects by EPA, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), or the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). Ammonia can also have beneficial effects, such as when it is used as a smelling salt. Jan 21, 2015 Ammonia is naturally occurring in the body. Can smelling ammonia hurt you? In the air: Breathing low concentrations of ammonia (for example, gases from cleaning products) may cause coughing and nose and throat irritation. Depending on the concentration of exposure, length of time and way the person is exposed, lung damage or death could occur. Ammonia NH3 or ammonium NH4 is critical to form amino acids and proteins….
What types of nitrogen are dangerous.
Ammonia Provides Ample Warning of its presence. Can smelling ammonia hurt you? In the air: Breathing low concentrations of ammonia (for example, gases from cleaning products) may cause coughing and nose and throat irritation. Depending on the concentration of exposure, length of time and way the person is exposed, lung damage or death could occur. So what is the good news about ammonia?
The best environmental product. NH4+ is positive valence and stable in the soil where it is placed as TAPPS and TAPPKTS plus Zn. It is important to note that only Exactrix offers a non-carcinogenic (No N-Serve) answer to nitrogen stabilization by stopping and slowing Nitrosomonas conversion of NH4 in the soil to N20, NO2 and NO3. This is accomplished with a bacteria-stat Zinc Sulfate combined with the NH3 flow. The Zinc binds the Copper Co-factor of the Nitrosomonas and forces a static condition of the bacteria. This is also done with a Zinc Nano Particle application into the flow of the NH3. Zinc is a critical plant nutrient and used commonly in human health to control bacteria like staphylococcus and streptococcus. Exactrix meets or exceeds University of Nebraska, N2O, Nitrous Oxide loss to the atmosphere by banding NH3 at 1%CV at 300 psi and combining liquid fertilizers at a depth to 8 inches in the soil with Mustang openers. This is the anaerobic zone and well hidden from weeds in a tight narrow ½ inch wide band without tillage. Zero Carbon, Improved National Security, Locally Built Green Play Ammonia, Pressure Vessel Storage close to your needs. For sure, 99.95% available 24/7. Non-Carcinogenic, Safer than hydrogen and fossil l fuels. The Best Choice for cleanup of lakes, ground-water and air. The most efficient fertilizer material with irrigation water. National security and availability of the Green, Zero Carbon energy source allows immediate access to Anhydrous ammonia at ten locations rather than one. Anhydrous Ammonia is a ten times growth over 30 years. Use of Green Play Ammonia will more than Triple by 2030 as a bunker fuel.
A small 75 ton per day ammonia plant using fossil fuel cannot compete with a small scale complex of ten ammonia plants producing 100 tons per day.
Meeting your formulation needs. your metering systems. more information on advanced crop production.
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