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Poly-Phosphate Trials

USDA-ARS, Nutrient Management Toolbar, scientific evaluation of all nutrient types.

The enclosed article arrived today after six years of research….Rich Koenig completed a good study at WSU.

Six years of testing proves.....that liquid phosphate as ammonium poly phosphate....10-37-0 is much more effective than Dry, 11-52-0.

This sends a powerful message to our Montana, ND, SD and Canadian producers that have been using dry 11-52-0....the so called bottom of the barrel dry phosphate.

Exactrix has proven that TAPPS....Triple Super Ammoniated Poly Phosphate is at least twice as effective as Dry P. Thus APP is 200% more crop effective as TAPPS.

This announcement from the Fluid Fertilizer Foundation confirms that when 10-37-0 is dual placed with liquid N the placed phosphate is much more effective as a liquid phosphate than as a dry phosphate material.

Evaluated over six years at Lind and Ralston, Washington....... WSU scientists and educators....Rich Koenig and Aaron Esser confirm that use of Fluid P or APP, Ammonium Poly Phosphate....10-34-0 and or 11-37-0...produces much better responses than dry 11-52-0.

Winter wheat was seeded at 40 pounds per acre on 12 inch centers….about 2 weeks after the dual placed bands had been applied the winter wheat was seeded. The 12 inch rainfall area was a traditional crop tillage summer fallow rotation.

Thus when the margin gets close….if the crop production margin needs to be improved….you will find Ammonium Poly Phosphate is being used and it is most effective when triple super ammoniated. Go to www.exactrix.com for information about TAPPS.

Summary. Koenig and Esser….Dryland wheat responds to liquid P.

Quadratic responses to fluid phosphorous (11-37-0) were observed four out of six years.

High rates of fluid P reduced dry matter and grain yield, possibly due to P stimulation of the vegetative growth and subsequent depletion of stored soil moisture.

Grain yields with dry P (11-52-0) were similar to or lower than fluid P in the low rainfall, crop-fallow areas of eastern Washington.

Intermediate rates of fluid P (10-34-0, 11-37-0) should be applied to optimize plant growth and prevent yield reductions.

Similar studies from Australia also confirm that liquid streaming flow of 10-34-0 and 11-37-0 are superior over dry phosphate fertilizer materials in calcareous soils.

Since No-till soils are generally cooler than black fallow soils even greater responses to placed 10-34-0 and TAPPS can be anticipated in spring cropping systems.

The use of 11-52-0 was discontinued in Yielder Drill testing in 1983 when discoveries of fluid 10-34-0, fluid 12-0-0-26S, liquid Zn and 16-20-0-14S proved to be superior fertilizer products in both proteins and yields when super ammoniated.

Note…10-34-0 and 11-37-0 are built in the same TVA or Shell reactor with 10-34-0 having a lower freezing or salt out temperature….11-37-0 tends to used in warmer climates.

At the time of manufacture

10-34-0 11.65 pounds per gallon, Salt out 0 degrees F, 3.96 pounds P per gallon. 65% to 75% Poly Phosphate.

11-37-0, 11.9 pounds per gallon, Salt out 32 degrees F. 4.40 pounds P per gallon. 65% to 75% Poly Phosphate.

Actual values may be different for each manufacturer based on storage and temperature stability programs….but seldom less than 3.87 pounds P per gallon as 10-34-0.

The manufacturer must always favor the customer by weight and value.

Poly Phosphate is an ideal fluid carrier to homogenously deliver liquid micro-nutrients such as AZn.

Guy Swanson
ASABE, ACS, ASA, FFF, WSDA certified.

Exactrix®, Spokane, WA 

More information about national award winning TAPPS is available at www.exactrix.com/PT.htm

Exactrix® Global Systems LLC
509 995 1879 cell, Pacific.
General office: 509-254 6854
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